Lost Ark guide: Everything you need to know about the Crystalline Aura


Lost Ark PaladinLost Ark players who purchased one of the Founder’s Packs would have received a 30-day Crystalline Aura as part of the bundle. A quick glance at the Founder’s Pack page on the MMORPG’s website will show you almost all the features you get with the Aura. However, many players will have no idea what all these features do, or even what they are. The page also lack info on the handy pet perks. So, let’s take a look at everything you need to know about the Lost Ark Crystalline Aura. If you didn’t purchase a Founder’s Pack, you can still get access to a Crystalline Aura through the game’s store. It will cost you 420 Crystals, or $9.99 USD, for a 30-day Aura. You can also choose to purchase a 180-day Aura for $49.99, essentially saving you $10 if you plan to have it constantly active.   I suggest you don’t active your Crystalline Aura when you first start playing. Rather, wait until you are further into the game and can make better use of the travel benefits, crafting bonuses, and num…

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