Lost Ark guide — How to choose the best class for your playstyle


Lost Ark ClassesAs I mentioned in my Lost Ark beginner guide, all the classes in this MMORPG are viable for endgame PvE content. While some are better than others at PvP, your skill with your class is far more important than perceived power levels. And Smilegate RPG is constantly adjusting the classes to ensure they remain in balance. With that in mind, let’s talk about how each class plays in Lost Ark so you can pick the one that best suits you. If you’d like a brief look at what each class can do, you can check out the classes page on the official website. It’ll give you a look at some of the abilities as well as a brief description of how each class plays. You can also check out the class videos on the Lost Ark YouTube channel. I encourage you to start with these two resources, because they’ll give you a good initial impression of the classes.   When picking your class, you want to look for a playstyle that suits the role you want to fulfill in-game. Roles in Lost Ark are a little different…

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