Lost Ark guide: How to get your first free pet


Lost Ark How To Get A Free PetPets are more than just cute companions that follow you around in Lost Ark. They can provide players with a range of boons that empower you, and services that make your life a lot easier. You may expect to pay for such a wonderful companion. However, for heroes venturing into Lost Ark for the first time, you can unlock a pet for free. The major benefit of running around Arkesia with a pet is that it will pick up your loot for you. And every single pet in the game can do this, whether it was paid for or earned. This may not sound like much now. But when you kill a boss and tons of loot drops, or when you’re rapidly farming monsters, it does save you a lot of time and hassle. It’s just a convenience that’s incredibly nice to have.   How to get a free pet in Lost Ark Getting your first pet is easy. And it can be done early on in the game in the town of Prideholme. Once you complete the mission “Demons in Prideholme” (it’s the one with fire and demons running rampant in the town), …

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