Lost Ark January team update answers questions and reveals T3 content at launch

Simlegate RPG and Amazon Games published a January team update blog post with tons of crucial information about next month’s Lost Ark launch, and there’s a lot more than expected. There will be way more content than Korea and Russia received when the MMORPG launched in their regions. The most surprising revelation is that EU and NA Lost Ark players will have access to some Tier 3 content from day one. Along with the content and feature reveals, the team also provided answers to some of the community’s burning questions. The most notable of those is how to reserve names for characters, and how the skins from the Founder’s Packs will work. Lost Ark content available at launch There will be three additional regions available to EU and NA players when Lost Ark launches in the West. You’ll head underground to the home of a dwarven race known as the Umar. Next up, you’ll be able to venture to Feiton, a continent still poisoned from the Chain War. Feiton is home to the half-hu…