Lost Ark new Europe region announced and players are being gifted mounts, instrument skins, and more


Lost Ark Terpeion mount new europe regionOn February 11, Lost Ark launched across the Western world. Millions of people flocked to the new isometric MMORPG with the concurrent player count reaching comfortably over 1 million players. But with such success, Smilegate RPG and Amazon Games were also hit with complaints about long queue times and server issues. The studios have already opened numerous additional servers, and gifted Founder’s Pack owners duplicate items. Now, Lost Ark is getting an entirely new European region, and all players will receive a selection of in-game items as a thank you for supporting the game. There is no timeline indicating when the new region will go live. But Smilegate and Amazon say they are working on it. From that, I would assume it won’t be more than a few days. That would be too hard on the workers.   In the announcement of the new region, Smilegate and Amazon suggest the new region will be for new players who have not yet begun their journey into Arkesia. However, if you are already …

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