Lost Ark Sorceress Guide: How to Build a Sorceress


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Lost Ark Sorceress Guide: How to Build a Sorceress – In this Lost Ark Sorceress Guide, I’m going to show you what it means to play as a Sorceress in terms of how well they perform in combat, the best Skills and Tripods to focus on, and the playstyles available to them. If you’re searching for a Mage that casts a variety of elemental and ranged AoE spells while remaining extremely mobile, then this Lost Ark Sorceress Guide is for you!

Lost Ark Sorceress Guide: How to Build a Sorceress

The Lost Ark Sorceress is one of the Advanced Classes that fall under the Mage Class. This is the newest Class, which replaced the Summoner for the release of Lost Ark in NA/EU regions. Similar to the Summoner, the Sorceress wields a Magic Staff to cast elemental spells such as fire, frost, and lightning. Additionally, they’re one of the best classes to play for beginners due to the spells’ AoE and ranged capabilities.

  • Best Magic-focused DPS for Beginners
  • High DPS
  • Focuses on Ranged Spells
  • Excellent Mobility
  • Disrupts Enemy Tactics

As a Lost Ark Sorceress, you not only deal significant DPS against several enemies at once, but you’re also able to impede and disrupt their formations thanks to your highly versatile spells. Due to their low HP like the classic Mage, Sorceresses need to practice poking targets from afar to identify the best approach to use against them. Moreover, they rely on their amazing agility, which allows them to dart unscathed from one point to the next.

Lost Ark Sorceress Class Role and Identity

The Lost Ark Sorceress is a Pure Ranged DPS Class that deals either high sustained or burst damage depending on the playstyle they focus on. As a Sorceress, they’re flexible when it comes to Skill rotations, often effectively weakening and destroying enemies, especially mobs, with any spell they use. However, some of these spells have a long cast time, which makes it essential to know the best time to activate them to harm as many targets as possible. And because of their low HP, it’s also essential to balance spell use with dodging to take the lowest amount of damage.

Lost Ark Sorceress Advanced Class Combat

All Advanced Classes in Lost Ark have unique features or Identities that differentiate them from the other classes. These can either unleash more damage or enhance the buffs they grant. For the Lost Ark Sorceress, this is the ability to enter into different magical states by filling up the Magick Meter. When your Arcane Meter reaches 30%, you can use Arcane Rupture or Blink, both of which will end once the meter has been fully depleted.

Arcane Rupture allows you to enter into the Magick Enhanced State to inflict additional damage while gaining the Push Immunity Super Armor, which prevents you from being knocked back. But it’s important to remember that if you maximize the Arcane Meter before activating Arcane Rupture, you enter the Arcane Torrent State instead. In the Arcane Torrent State, the elemental damage you deal with most skills is considerably boosted. Damage-dealing spells have faster cast times and lower cooldowns.

Lost Ark Sorceress Advanced Class Punishing Strike Skill in Combat

However, these don’t apply to Ultimates and dodge skills. Fire Spells do increased Weak Point damage to break the armor of bosses while Lightning Spells have more effective staggers. Blink, on the otherhand, is a mobility skill, which can be used offensively or defensively in that you’re teleported to a chosen location within 15 meters from where you originally were. While moving, you’ll be able to pierce bosses and gain Push and Debuff Immunity.

Note that when any of these states are active, you won’t be gaining Arcane energy. However, the moment you go back into your Normal State, you can start filling up your Magick Meter once again without needing to wait for several seconds unlike with the Shadowhunter’s Shadowburst Energy.

Lost Ark Sorceress Best Skills and Tripods

By the time your Lost Ark Sorceress reaches Level 60, you will have unlocked a total of 18 skills comprised of Fire, Frost, Lightning, Normal, and Awakening Skills. To add to this, you’ve invested several points into Fire, Frost, Lightning, and Normal Skills to specialize further by unlocking their respective Tripods. The Tripod System allows players to customize their skills in various ways like increasing the Arcane energy you gain or widening the spells’ corresponding AoE range. In total, you only need 8 skills per character with a select number of tripods. In this section, I’ll cover the essential Fire, Frost, Lightning, and Normal Skills and tripods you should allocate points into regardless of the playstyle you end up choosing.

Lost Ark Sorceress Advanced Class Guide Skills and Tripods

Top Sorceress Fire Skills and Tripods

Blaze – Conjures a rectangular fire in front of you to not only damage affected enemies, but also to momentarily paralyze and push them farther away from you. What makes Blaze much more effective against Push-Immune targets are Damage Amplification, Flame Expansion, and Weak Point Detection. Damage Amplification enhances the damage you and your allies deal while Flame Expansion enlarges the fire’s area to affect nearby enemies and to significantly boost the spell’s Damage over Time (DoT). If you encounter more Challenge or lower type monsters, you can substitute Weak Point Detection for Undying Flame to specifically improve the damage you inflict against them.

Lost Ark Sorceress Advanced Class Blaze Skill in Combat

Explosion – Summons a lethal fireball directed against a series of lined-up enemies in front of you. The Explosion Tripods you ought to select are Ignite, Weak Point Detection, and Magick Amplification to deal DoT when facing Push-Immune targets and to maximize the damage you inflict upon entering the Magick Enhanced or Arcane Torrent States.

Doomsday – Conjures a giant meteor to obliterate Normal Monsters while knocking them back in the process and significantly harming stronger enemies. To make Doomsday all the more terrifying like its namesake, the best tripods to choose are Insight, Overheated Meteor, and Magick Amplification. This combination allows you to broaden your range so you can cast it farther and to deal the most amount of damage possible with Magick Amplification and Overheated Meteor, which also inflicts additional damage several times.

Lost Ark Sorceress Advanced Class Guide Doomsday Skill

Top Sorceress Frost Skills and Tripods

Frost’s Call – Summons a barrage of icicles in an AoE to damage enemies multiple times over a period of time as well as to stagger them in the process. To make Frost’s Call more effective, you should consider getting Enlightenment, Insight, and Enhanced Strike. Not only will you be able to greatly enhance the damage you deal but you also increase the AoE radius and range of the spell. Additionally, your Magick Meter accumulates more energy upon hitting enemies with Frost’s Call.

Sorceress Advanced Class Frost's Call Skill in Combat

Seraphic Hail – Creates a massive wave to push enemies away from you while inflicting huge damage. To make Seraphic Hail much more effective against Push-Immune targets, you’ll have to pick Enlightenment, Evolved Hail, and Weak Point Detection. Additionally, these tripods allow you to build up your Magick Meter and boost the total damage your Lost Ark Sorceress will deal while attacking enemies multiple times.

Rime Arrow – Conjures a series of Ice Arrows to deal great damage within a rectangular area. The best Rime Arrow Tripods to consider are Enlightenment, Piercing Strike, and Ice Pick. With these upgrades, you gain additional Arcane energy, ignore your target’s Defense, and essentially deal more than 50% of extra damage to annihilate them.

Lost Ark Sorceress Advanced Class Rime Arrow Skill in Combat

If you find yourself getting caught in the middle of combat more often than you’d like, then you can also invest skill points into Ice Shower and substitute any of the Frost Skills we’ve discussed. You’ll still be able to gain Arcane energy provided that you obtain the Enlightenment Tripod.

Ice Shower – Harms nearby enemies by slamming the ground with your Frost abilities. What makes Ice Shower powerful are the Enlightenment, Enhanced Strike, and Frost Zone Tripods. Specifically, Frost Zone summons thorns around the AoE to boost the damage you inflict. Before the thorns appear, make sure to move away from your targets so you can cast other spells to finally kill them.

Top Sorceress Lightning and Normal Skills and Tripods

Punishing Strike – Summons lightning to inflict massive damage against a large group of enemies while staggering them. The ideal Punishing Strike Tripods to choose are Wide-Angle Attack, Destruction, and Magick Amplification. This combination increases the spell’s AoE and enhances the damage you deal over time when you’re in the Magick Enhanced or Arcane Torrent State.

Lost Ark Sorceress Advanced Class Guide Punishing Strike Skill

Esoteric Reaction – Creates a crystal, which evolves twice, damaging enemies around it. Afterward, it explodes to deal huge damage. What makes Esoteric Reaction lethal are the Quick Prep, Enhanced Strike, and Shockwave Tripods. They reduce the spell’s cooldown period, widen the range of explosion as well as improve overall damage by more than 50%. For the Reflux playstyle, you’ll want to substitute Enhanced Strike for Final Strike to boost your critical damage by 100%.

Sorceress Engravings and Stats

In Lost Ark, every Advanced Class unlocks Engravings that allow you to further specialize in your chosen Class as these grant special effects, which you can activate by reading Recipe Books and equipping Accessories and Ability Stones. You’re able to obtain them as random rewards by completing endgame activities such as Chaos and Abyss Dungeons, and Guardian Raids.

In this section, I’m going to talk about Lost Ark Sorceress Engravings, which determine the playstyle you wish to adopt for your character and are class-specific abilities and traits. You gain access to this when you reach higher levels. The 2 Class Engravings available to the Sorceress are Reflux and Igniter. Let’s first discuss the Reflux Class Engraving or playstyle together with the Stats that go with it.

Sorceress Reflux Playstyle

Reflux exchanges massive burst damage since Arcane Rupture is disabled, for extreme mobility with Blink. This means that you won’t be able to enter into the Magick Enhanced or Arcane Torrent States. As such, it’s important to reach Reflux Level 3 to maximize the extra damage you deal with all damage spells, except for Awakening and Movement Skills, and to reduce their respective cooldown rates.

Lost Ark Sorceress Advanced Class Guide Reflux Engraving and Playstyle

For the Explosion, Doomsday, and Punishing Strike Skills that make use of the Magick Amplification Tripod, which utilizes Arcane Rupture, you can switch to Final Strike instead. This should greatly enhance your critical damage when casting said spells. Additionally, if you’re gaining enough Arcane energy when it comes to all of the Frost Skills we’ve talked about, you can change Enlightenment for Chill to considerably reduce your target’s attack and movement speeds or Quick Prep to lower your corresponding skill’s cooldown.

Sorceress Advanced Final Strike Tripod

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