Master Splinter will be a playable fighter in TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge

The sidescrolling beat ’em up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge attracted a fair bit of hype after its announcement. It has some notable talent behind it, with some of the developers behind Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game and the team who published Streets of Rage 4 contributing to the project. This combined with the TMNT franchise’s beat ’em up history meant that players had plenty of reason to look forward to the game’s release. In August of last year, developer Tribute Games piqued players’ interest further with the addition of April O’Neil as a playable character. Now, it looks like fan interest isn’t going to die down anytime soon, as Tribute Games announced that Master Splinter will also become playable in Shredder’s Revenge. Tribute Games went into detail regarding the design process behind Splinter in a recent PlayStation Blog post. According to the post, the developers unanimously wanted Splinter in …