Microsoft Flight Simulator: Freeware add-on essentials — Volume IV

The number of add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator is growing at a rapid pace, as is the active player base. It might be a bit daunting to shuffle through the immense pool of choices, especially for newcomers. Here’s another round of personal recommendations that you are bound to find useful to enhance your Microsoft Flight Simulator experience — all of which absolutely free, of course. As has been the case with past freeware addon collections, the following selections are in no particular order of quality. They’re all very nifty, and if you can find a use case for them all at once, that’s even better. Global AI Ship Traffic by KL971 True, this is Microsoft Flight Simulator, but that doesn’t mean seaborne craft should be left out. While not truly a “necessary” part of the experience, they surely do serve as some nice eye candy that add to the immersion factor of the sim. The Global AI Ship Traffic addon by KL971 remedies the lackluster de…
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