Microsoft Flight Simulator getting major updates in 2022, including DLSS and more


Microsoft Flight Simulator Pc South American SunriseThe summer of 2022 will mark a full two years since Microsoft Flight Simulator began its journey on PC. Since then, a sizeable number features and a growing wealth of content have been gradually added to the simulator, and there’s far more yet to come. During the first Developer Q&A video conference of 2022, members from the main team over at Asobo Studios discussed much of what’s being worked on in the behind-the-scenes hangars for the sim. From Nvidia DLSS support, to revamped flight mechanics and major world updates, steady progress is being made across the board to further enhance the complexity of Microsoft Flight Simulator. The first bundle of new Microsoft Flight Simulator content for 2022 will actually be rolled out at the end of January with World Update 7. This update contains an upgrade to the landmass of Australia, one of the seven continents of the world. Known as the “Land Down Under,” its deep southern latitude makes it quite the journey to…

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