Microsoft Flight Simulator has shaken up the add-on market for good


Microsoft Flight Simulator Pc Aerosoft Twin Otter In St BarttsMicrosoft Flight Simulator will zoom past its second anniversary later this year, and a lot about the game has changed since its maiden voyage. It has grown substantially; not only in terms of player base, but also core content size, and, quite fittingly, the amount of additional content. The flow of new products has gone from a trickle to a stream, and yet, we’re still in the early stages of what is very likely going to be a very long shelf life for the sim. The thing is, while this series of events is par for the course, as is the case with most other major simulators, Microsoft Flight Simulator plays by a unique set of rules compared to its direct competitors and predecessors. Its playbook is just about the best we’ve seen in the industry yet.   A tradition from ye olden’ days Add-on products for simulators has been a long-standing industry norm. Sure, most games today receive post-launch content (especially “live service” titles), but simulator…

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