Microsoft Flight Simulator: Payware aircraft essentials – Volume I


Microsoft Flight Simulator Pc Payware Addon Collection Volume 1 CoverMicrosoft Flight Simulator has been steadily amassing a growing collection of add-ons over the last several months. Of course, the world of freeware add-ons is definitely growing rapidly, but so is the world of payware equivalents. The in-game Marketplace is certainly being regularly updated with such products, so it could be a little overwhelming to know which ones are worth taking a look at. After spending a good chunk of time with a few products, here are some recommendations from my collection, albeit in no particular order. All you need to really keep in mind is that these aircraft are all unique, and will better suite certain kinds of flights. So the “best” are the ones suiting your personal tastes in terms of where and how you like to fly.   Please note: all prices are in USD.  de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter by Aerosoft ($34.99) As of the time of publication, this is one of the latest in the line of payware aircraft. It’s also been one of the most…

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