Minecraft Ender Dragon guide


Minecraft Ender Dragon guide

So you want to know about the Minecraft Ender Dragon? If the popular open-world crafting game has any kind of end goal, it is to march into The End and defeat the Ender Dragon, also known as ‘Jean’. Minecraft’s only true boss is no joke and can be tough to beat, so make sure you stock up on plenty of Minecraft potions, don that diamond armour, and keep your composure. Failing all that, maybe some Minecraft cheats will help.

The Ender Dragon spawns as soon as the player enters The End – that nightmarish realm accessible only through a portal found in strongholds. It doesn’t matter what difficulty you’re playing on, the Ender Dragon will come for you. She shoots dragon’s breath and charges at players by swooping down from the sky. If she gets hit she will retreat, but she can also instantly destroy most blocks she comes into contact with.

If you’re going to take on this titanic tyrant, you need to come well prepared. Players cannot escape from The End until the Ender Dragon has been defeated, so you need everything from good armour, potent potions, and even food to keep your health replenished. We also recommend taking some beds because they can be used like TNT charges.

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