MobaZane Considers Wise’s Playstyle as the Most Effective in the MLBB Meta


BloodThirstyKings’ (BTK) team captain, Michael “MobaZane” Cosgun acknowledged Blacklist International’s jungler, Danerie “Wise” James Del Rosario for having the most effective playstyle in the current meta of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB). Through a livestream, MobaZane explained that junglers should be playing for the team instead of solely focusing on hitting their own power spikes, at least in an esports setting. He also added that the jungle role is currently at an awkward position in the meta where carry-potential heroes are less likely to succeed in the jungle. MobaZane stated that he and Wise had the same idea in mind during the M3 World Championship but when it came to execution, MobaZane could do better.

Also Read: MobaZane Believes He Is Too Good for MDL

MobaZane talks about how junglers are struggling in the current meta of MLBB

During last year’s M3 World Championship, the North American (NA) team BTK managed to send Blacklist International down to the lower brackets of the playoffs stage. Considering how dominant Blacklist International was during the tournament, a lot of fans and pro players were astounded by this upset.

BTK’s feat was accomplished thanks to the leadership of its team captain, MobaZane who specializes in the Jungle role and Marksman heroes. According to MobaZane’s livestream, he was playing to help the team instead of acting as the carry where normally everyone would funnel their resources to him.

“Carry jungle? No, because tanks would just screw you early,” stated MobaZane.

He added that in lower ranks, carry heroes become stronger. While in higher ranks or in competitive play, they tend to be harder to play as a lot of players are likely to possess the knowledge to counter them.

This is why MobaZane feels that Blacklist International’s Wise has the brilliant idea to play jungle with the mindset of helping his team, much like a semi-support role, to gain enough resources instead of being the hard carry.

“That’s why I think maybe Wise has the right idea on how to play jungle, you know,” stated MobaZane. “Maybe just go, like a second support”

MobaZane added that he made the right decision to act as the team’s semi-support instead of leading as its carry. However, MobaZane thinks he could have done better during the M3 World Championship.

“I think it was somewhat a good choice, but maybe I could’ve done a bit better, you know,” stated MobaZane.

Also Read: Red Canids’ Lunna Announces Break From MLBB Esports Scene

Blacklist International recently revealed the story behind its immensely iconic and thoroughly effective strategy in Mobile Legends esports, the Ultimate Bonding Experience (UBE) strategy. According to its head coach Kristoffer “BON CHAN” Ricaplaza, the team adjusts its playstyle to increase the effectiveness of its team captain and support specialist, Johnmar “OhMyV33NUS” Villaluna. This is why Wise rarely becomes the hard-carry as he adjusts his playstyle to fit with OhMyV33NUS’ playstyle.

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