MORTAL ONLINE 2 – Great MILESTONE Achieved – Gaming / #Shorts

MORTAL ONLINE 2 - Great MILESTONE Achieved - Gaming / #Shorts

In less than 2 weeks, Mortal Online 2 and the Mortal Online 2 community achieved / completed a great milestone in mmorpg history.

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One of the most awaited events in mmorpg history finally happened. Mortal Online 2 finally broke through the “mostly negative” rating in Steam.

Mortal Online 2 achieved this great accomplishment in less than 2 weeks. In those 2 weeks, the Steam rating of Mortal Online 2 hovered at “mixed” rating.

With that said, I would like to congratulate Mortal Online 2 and the Mortal Online 2 community who worked tirelessly, day and night, in achieving this great milestone.

The next great milestone is not far away and that is the “overall mostly negative” rating in Steam. Goodluck Mortal Online 2 and again congratulations.

Anyway, watch the video to learn more and if you have any comments, questions or reactions then post them in the comments section.

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