MotoGP 22 Rated For PS5 & PS4 In Brazil


The Brazilian Ratings Board has posted up a listing for the as-yet unannounced MotoGP 22 for PS5, PS4, PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One.

Developer Milestone hasn’t announced anything about the next instalment in the popular motorbike racing series, but it’s pretty much a given that it’s in the works now that we have a rating in the bag. Expect to hear something on MotoGP 22 soon enough.

The last entry, MotoGP 21, was announced in mid-February last year and launched in April, so presumably we’re looking at a similar plan for MotoGP 22.

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MotoGP 21 was also a cross-generation release, but the PS5 version of the racer featured a number of extra features such as DualSense functionality, so hopefully this will be the case for MotoGP 22. According to the listing, it seems Milestone isn’t planning on dropping last-gen console just yet.

[Source – Twisted Voxel]

The post MotoGP 22 Rated For PS5 & PS4 In Brazil appeared first on PlayStation Universe.

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