Neagley in Reacher: Everything You Need To Know About the Character


Neagley in Reacher Everything You Need To Know About the Character

After watching Season 1 of Reacher on Amazon Prime Video, fans want to learn more about Neagley. Well, here’s what we know about the character.

It’s just Reacher all over the internet since the show was released. Based on the Jack Reacher series of novels, the show is packed with action, crime drama, and detective fiction. People are loving the show for its great storyline, direction, of course, Alan Ritchson’s portrayal of Jack Reacher.

Some characters from the show grabbed more attention from the viewers than the others. One of them was obviously Neagley, an ally of the main lead Jack Reacher.

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Reacher | Official Trailer

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Neagley In Reacher Explained

The fictional character of Neagley in Reacher is played by Danish actress Maria Sten. Neagley is one of the essential characters in the Jack Reacher novels, and she made her first appearance in the sixth book of the series, titled ‘Without Fail.’ After that, she appeared in the other books, including Bad Luck And Trouble, The Affair, Never Go Back, and Night School.

Frances Neagley holds the rank of Master Sergeant in the U.S Army and works as a security consultant. In the novel and in the show, Neagley is shown to have Haphephobia, which means she fears and hates being getting touched. Her combat skills well speak of her training. In fact, she was one of the first choices of Jack Reacher for his U.S Army 110th MP Special Investigation Unit.

In the show, it’s pretty clear how much Reacher trusts Neagley. She is the only person he called for help when he wanted to find the person who murdered his brother. Later on, in the show, she also helps Reacher rescue Finley when he is held captive by Kliner and Baker in Kliner’s warehouse.

The post Neagley in Reacher: Everything You Need To Know About the Character by Daksh Chaudhary appeared first on DualShockers.

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