Netflix Finally Lets You Remove Items From Your Continue Watching Backlog On Any Device

Finishing what you start is a nice idea, but sometimes it’s just not practical. That true crime show you dropped after one episode? The sitcom sitting in your Continue Watching after you went back to re-watch Season 3, Episode 4? Netflix will now let you remove those items from your Continue Watching backlog across all devices, the company announced.
“Starting today, members around the world can remove a TV show or movie from your ‘Continue Watching’ row on all devices, including TV, with the click of a button,” wrote Netflix’s Director of Product Innovation, Christine Doig-Cardet. “Simply click on a show or film and select ‘Remove from Continue Watching’ from the page options.”
Those of us watching on mobile devices and from our computers were already able to do this, but many people stream exclusively on their set-top boxes, bringing this feature to a whole new audience who hasn’t been able to use it before.