New World Update 1.3 Patch Notes & Server Maintenance Today (January 25)


new world update january 25

A major new content update for New World is set to arrive later today (January 25), with a new end-game feature and plenty of changes.

The update was previously tested on the game’s player test realm and is now ready for an official release. However, to prepare for today’s big update, the servers will be taken offline for an extended period of time.

Here’s everything you need to know about the January 25 New World update, including the server maintenance schedule and the patch notes.

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New World Server Maintenance Schedule (January 25)

In order to deploy today’s New World update, all server regions must undergo maintenance for a total of 3 hours.

Scheduled maintenance will begin at 4AM PT / 7AM ET / 12PM GMT and is expected to conclude at 7AM PT / 10AM ET / 3PM GMT. However, this is simply an approximate timeframe, servers may be down for a shorter or longer period of time.

Check out the official patch notes for the January 25 New World update further down this article.

We’ll be hosting downtime at 4 AM PT [7AM ET/ 1PM CET] for the January update. Downtime is slated for approximately 3 hours. We’ll be back soon!

— New World (@playnewworld) January 25, 2022

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New World ‘Expedition Mutators’ Update Patch Notes

Below you will find the most important parts of the January 25 New World patch notes. For more details on update 1.3, make sure to visit the official New World website.


We are introducing a new end-game feature: Expedition Mutators! Mutators change the familiar by augmenting “Normal” and “Named” Enemies found within expeditions, changing the way encounters play out and what strategies players should consider before battle. And as combat changes, so do the rewards! New bespoke gear and resources can be found, providing additional means to increase your power level.

This system is intended to rotate through a unique combination of Expeditions and Mutations each week, with 10 difficulty levels per Expedition Mutation. Players will be challenged to climb the ladder, with the aim of eventually reaching the max difficulty.

Please be advised that “Recommended Gear Score’” levels for a Mutated Expedition is important, as it directly factors into enemy scaling — and by consequence, your chances of success. Please note: This combat scaling is individual per player and separate from the base difficulty increases in health and damage.


  • Players will require a codex for opening a Mutated version of the expedition. On completion of a Regular Difficulty Expedition, players will receive the Codex for that Expedition and a one time reward of a Mutated Expedition Tuning Orb.
    • Note:
    • Players that are invited to a group that already has a codex and orb will be rewarded with both items upon completion.
      • The Mutated Expedition Tuning Orb will not be rewarded on additional playthroughs of Regular Difficulty Expeditions.
  • Upon approaching and interacting with the Expedition Menu, players will be able to see the type of mutator available, the mutation level, Gear Score recommended to advance, and lastly if they meet qualifications for entry.
    • Mutator Orbs are universal. Players can craft 1 per week and will be able to purchase additional orbs in the Faction Shop.
  • Scoring & Advancement
    • Score is performance based, taken from a combination of categories. Score is also a shared value for group members.
    • The following categories count towards the group’s overall score value:
      • Time: The better the time, the better the score. Calculated at the end of a run.
      • AI Kills: A target value for killing a predetermined amount of enemies within the expedition.
      • Takedowns: A target value for killing “Named Enemies” within the expedition.
      • Team Wipes: Each team wipe during a boss fight reduces the score by a significant amount.
      • Respawns: Each respawn reduces the score by a moderate amount.
    • There are also Bonus Multipliers for run efficiency, minimal respawning/wiping, speed, and taking down all targets. These are calculated at the end of the Expedition run. The score ranks are Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
    • Advancement through each Mutator difficulty level requires reaching a predesignated level of proficiency within the highest achieved level. Higher scores mean advancement to higher difficulties, which in turn lead to bigger rewards.
  • Mutation Effects
    • Elemental
      • Elemental mutations infuse enemies in the Expedition with a specific elemental damage type, increasing their resistance to that damage type, converting a large portion of their damage to that type, and giving them powerful elemental-based abilities.
      • Hellfire: Hellfire infuses enemies with fire, allowing them to burn players who oppose them.
      • Eternal: Eternal infuses enemies with void, granting them them abilities that debuff players or buff their void-infused allies.
    • Promotions
      • Promotion mutations grant creatures in the Expedition powerful new abilities.
      • Savage: Savage AI apply healing reduction and cast damaging beams around themselves.
      • Indomitable: Indomitable creatures persist through damage with life-stealing abilities and are able to summon a phalanx, blocking all incoming player projectiles.
    • Curses
      • Curse mutations apply dangerous effects to players, forcing them to work together to overcome the curse’s power. At the highest difficulties, Curses become Empowered, creating additional tactical challenges.
      • Desiccated: Desiccated players will occasionally combust with elemental energy. When the curse is empowered, players will need to cleanse themselves by approaching the combusting player.
      • Censored: Censored players will find their abilities turning against them. After players in the group have used a certain number of activated abilities, explosive silence zones will appear on all players. When the curse is empowered, players will lose natural mana regeneration and must enter the silence zones to regenerate their mana.



  • Players can upgrade individual gear pieces from GS 590 to GS 625, by spending Umbral Shards. Note we reduced this requirement from GS 600 to GS 590 based on PTR feedback and the desire to require Legendary items to engage in the Umbral System.
  • The ability to upgrade items of any type is unlocked when players hit 600 Expertise for that item type.
  • Players can acquire Umbral Shards via three methods:
    • Expedition Mutators are the most efficient way to earn Shards. The higher the difficulty level and the higher the Score Rank achieved the the more Shards a player will earn.
    • Opening Gypsum Casts, once the expertise of that type has reached at least 600 Expertise.
    • Crafting 600 GS items, once the expertise of that type has reached at least 600 Expertise.
  • Upgrading any item via Umbral Shards binds the item to player.


  • Players raise their Expertise from 590 to 600 through the current means; Gypsum Casts and random open world bumps.
  • Expertise is increased from 600 to 625 via the Umbral System.
  • Expertise Gear Scaling
    • Any item that is purchased from the trading post or acquired through P2P after the January patch will have its effective gear score scaled down to the mid point of players Expertise and the items gear score if their Expertise is lower than the item’s gear score.


  • Whenever you craft a GS 600 item, if your Expertise for that item type is under 600 it will trigger an Expertise bump. This will be another great way for crafters to get their expertise to 600 (in addition to the already released Emerald Gypsum from Trade Skill Aptitude Reward containers).
  • If you get an Expertise bump from random drop in the open world, the loot ticker will now show which item gave you the Expertise bump.
  • If you get an Expertise bump from opening a reward cache, the opening sequence will highlight which item gave you the bump.
  • You can now craft the Topaz Gypsum Attunement Potion at any Arcana Station as well as any T5 Camp.
  • Increased the odds of getting Topaz Gypsum when killing enemies and attuned.
  • We addressed an issue where Gypsum casts were only providing +1 bonuses when opening above gear score 585 for an item. Now, upgrades from Gypsum Casts from 585 to 600 should be at least +2 except when expertise is 599.
  • To allow players more access to use Gypsum more freely as they acquire it we’ve removed the crafting cooldowns on Gypsum Orbs.

For further details surrounding balance changes and bug fixes included in the January 25 update, visit the New World website.

The post New World Update 1.3 Patch Notes & Server Maintenance Today (January 25) by Kyle Knight appeared first on DualShockers.

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