Nightdive Brings ’90s FPS PowerSlave Exhumed To Switch This February


“PlayStation and Sega Saturn versions combined”.

As you might recall, last year during 3D Realms’ annual ‘Realms Deep’ broadcast – Nightdive Studios (the team behind the recent Shadow Man remaster for Switch) announced it would be reviving the 1996 FPS PowerSlave Exhumed (also known as PowerSlave / Exhumed) – combining the Sega Saturn and PlayStation console versions.

The same title – originally developed by Lobotomy Software (a team founded in 1993 by former Nintendo of America employees) – has now been locked in for a Switch eShop release and will arrive on 10th February for the price of $19.99 USD. Like the recent Shadow Man release, this new version of the game will also be powered by Nightdive’s KEX Engine.

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