Nintendo Rewards Needs to be Fixed


The Games Cabin Writes: “If its somehow unclear to anyone thats familiar with my work, I love Nintendo. As much as they deserve criticism for awful decisions, I still consider them a great gaming company that not only make great games, but can also be very caring and thankful towards their community when they want to be. Its unfortunate that when they dont want to be caring and thankful, theyre shutting down fan made projects, copyrighting near-ancient music uploaded by their fans, suppressing the voice of the competitive scene for some of their most popular games, and more. I still love Nintendo, dont get me wrong, but honestly, all of their bad business practices alone could make up an article or two. All of those arent the focus of this article though. I want to shed light on a much smaller topic that hasnt gotten much attention from Nintendo or the community recently. Im talking about the My Nintendo website.”

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