OlliOlli World review — A skater worthy of Gnarvana

OlliOlli World is the latest installment in Roll7’s side-scrolling skateboarding series. Making its first appearance in 2014, OlliOlli was an instant hit despite being made by just five people. Several years later the studio has grown and its goals have gotten more ambitious with World being the series’ most complete entry to date. The story tells the tale of how our upcoming and promising skater earns the right to enter Gnarvana, the sacred land on which the five skating gods of Radlandia reside. Only the chosen Skate Wizard has the right to freely communicate with the gods, but Chiffon the current wizard is eyeing up retirement. She needs a replacement and believes that you could be the skater for the job. Stepping up The last entry in the series OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood released back in 2015, so Roll7 has had plenty of time to develop OlliOlli World. That time shows with how this installment improves just about everything found in the previous two games. …