Path Of Exile Update 1.99 Brings Siege Of Atlas Content To PS4


Grinding Gear Games has announced the Path of Exile update 1.99 patch notes for your viewing pleasure, which adds the much-anticipated Siege of Atlas content into the mix. You can read the full list of Path of Exile patch notes below.

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Siege of the Atlas

  • After defeating Kitava, you will meet Commander Kirac in the Karui Shores and join his militia to safeguard the Atlas of Worlds. The Envoy will inform you that two Eldritch Horrors, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds, are approaching and will consume everything.
  • By completing maps affected by their influence, you can hunt down their sub-bosses, The Black Star and The Infinite Hunger, before finally facing The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds themselves. Defeating these formidable foes yields valuable rewards including exclusive new unique items.
  • The Atlas of Worlds has been revised, and regions have been removed. The regional Atlas Passive Trees have been replaced with one gigantic Atlas-wide Passive Tree that affects all maps you run. You can earn points by completing bonus objectives of maps and finishing certain Atlas quests.
  • The Watchstone system has also been removed, and replaced with Voidstones which are obtained by defeating The Uber Elder, The Maven, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds. These Voidstones raise the tiers of maps on your Atlas and can be augmented by Sextants.

The Archnemesis Challenge League

  • Challenge leagues are a great opportunity for a fresh start in a new economy. All of your old characters and items are still present in the Standard and Hardcore leagues, but you’re encouraged to join the new leagues, complete challenges and demonstrate your mastery of Path of Exile!
  • Archnemesis is a challenge league that reinvigorates fights with rare monsters. It introduces around 60 new monster mods and allows you to customise your rare boss fights to control your level of risk and reward. These mods can be combined in over 35 recipes to create new, more powerful and rewarding mods. As you play through the league, you’ll discover more recipes and learn how to best utilise them to get the most valuable rewards.
  • When you slay regular Rare and Magic monsters in the Archnemesis League, they sometimes drop an itemised version of a new Archnemesis monster modifier. You store these in a dedicated inventory panel so that they don’t clutter your regular inventory.
  • Over the course of each area you play, you’ll encounter four monsters that are frozen in place, petrified and bound to the Archnemesis statue. When you find such a monster, you can free it by empowering it with an Archnemesis mod. If you’re able to successfully defeat the empowered monster, then you will receive the fixed reward that corresponds to that modifier.
  • The mods you apply will accumulate as you play through the area. When you empower your second monster, it also has the mod you applied to the first monster. This results in a fight that has twice as many dangerous mods, and twice as many rewards. By the time you have empowered and slain four petrified monsters in an area, you will have received the first reward four times.
  • More than half of the available mods are created by combining other mods together on the same monster. These recipe mods yield substantially more dangerous encounters and have more valuable rewards.
  • To prevent you having to backtrack, there are more than four possible locations where you may encounter petrified monsters in each area, but only the first four you encounter can be empowered and fought.
  • Archnemesis mods cannot be traded with other players. Your progress is your own.
  • With 3.17.0, there are Standard, Hardcore and Solo Self-Found variations of the Archnemesis challenge league available. They have the same core mechanics and items. You can create private league versions of these leagues, with mods that make the game harder.
  • The new challenge league includes a set of 40 new challenges. When you complete 12 challenges, you will receive the Archnemesis Ice Character Effect. Upon completing 24 challenges, you will receive the Archnemesis Weapon Skin. At 32 challenges completed you will receive the Archnemesis Lightning Character Effect. When you complete 34 challenges, you will receive the Archnemesis Fire Character Effect. At 36 challenges completed you will receive the Archnemesis Wings. Upon completing 38 challenges, you will receive the Archnemesis Prismatic Character Effect. These microtransactions are only obtainable in this league.
  • From the 19th challenge onwards and for every third challenge after that, you will receive pieces of the Archnemesis Totem Pole decoration to display in your hideout. The Totem Pole permanently showcases how many of the Archnemesis challenges you completed during the league.

Console-specific notes

Please note that this patch includes Hotfixes 1 through 6 for PC. The notes are included at the bottom of this section for your reference.

  • Added league-specific keybinds that are available while both triggers are held.
  • Delve Flares and Dynamite can no longer be rebound on the skill bar.
  • Added a keybind for cancelling the Map Stash Tab conversion process and for closing the popup window.
  • Added a small display above the flask bar that indicates when item highlighting has been turned off.
  • Introduced the Archnemesis League Supporter Packs and the annual Core Supporter Packs.
  • Interacting with targets that then become uninteractable will now remove your cursor from them.
  • Improved the targeting behaviour for monsters, items and interactables you have line of sight to.
  • Improved the user interface for socketing mode.
  • Updated NeverSink loot filters.
  • Fixed a bug where “repeat search” was not working on quick-searched items on the Tradeboard.
  • Fixed a bug where the minimap could sometimes display incorrectly in Delve areas.
  • Fixed a bug where scrolling through a Tradeboard category did not work properly when you had a filter applied.
  • Fixed a bug where quick-searching non-unique items would not clear the Tradeboard fliter.
  • Fixed a bug where Hydrosphere’s alternate behaviour would not consistently place the Hydrosphere behind the targeted monster.

Hotfix 1

  • The Map Device now indicates if you can’t use it (due to not being the party leader) prior to you putting a map in.
  • Fixed a bug where the Hyrri’s Bite Vendor Recipe did not work with its new item base type.
  • Fixed a bug with the Gem and Flask Stash Tabs where newly-inserted flasks could not have price notes set.
  • Fixed a bug where the new Sharktooth Quiver granted Life Gain on Hit that didn’t actually work.
  • Fixed various client and instance crashes.

Hotfix 2

  • Fixed a bug where specific Blood Monkey Chieftains would fail to generate charges for allies.
  • Fixed a bug where some auras would not be removed when certain items were removed.
  • Fixed a bug where Lilly Roth sometimes couldn’t be invited to your hideout.
  • Fixed a bug where bow damage nodes on the Passive Tree were not applying.
  • Fixed a bug where the Atlas Passive Tree could show a “Reset all Passives” button that affected the regular Passive Skill Tree.
  • Fixed a bug where the Passive Skill Tree mastery stat that makes increases and reductions to projectile speed also apply to bow damage was calculating them incorrectly.
  • Fixed client and instance crashes related to Arc.

Hotfix 3

  • Fixed a bug where Invitations could be split using Beast Crafting.
  • Fixed a bug where Forbidden Flame and Forbidden Flesh Jewels could have invalid or legacy Ascendancy notables. Existing ones in this state have now been fixed to become valid notables from the same class.

Hotfix 4

  • Fixed a client crash occurring in Archnemesis League.

Hotfix 5

  • Fixed a bug causing an unintended increase of monster density in the Betrayal Laboratory.
  • Fixed an instance crash.

Hotfix 6

  • Fixed a bug where some Synthesis and Shaper Atlas Passive Tree nodes were not working when allocated.
  • Fixed a client crash.

Major New Content and Features

  • Added 13 new Divination Cards, designed by our supporters.
  • Added 14 new Unique Items.
  • Introduced Lesser, Greater, Grand, and Exceptional Eldritch Ichor, currency items that add an Eater of Worlds implicit modifier to a Body Armour, Boots, Gloves, or Helmet. This replaces any existing implicit modifiers other than Searing Exarch implicit modifiers.
  • Introduced Lesser, Greater, Grand, and Exceptional Eldritch Ember, currency items that add a Searing Exarch implicit modifier to a Body Armour, Boots, Gloves, or Helmet. This replaces any existing implicit modifiers other than Eater of Worlds implicit modifiers.
  • Introduced the Orb of Conflict, a currency item that unpredictably raises the strength of one Searing Exarch or Eater of Worlds modifier on an item and lowers the strength of another. Lesser modifiers that have their strength lowered will be removed.
  • Introduced the Eldritch Chaos Orb, a currency item that rerolls prefix modifiers on an item if The Searing Exarch is dominant, or rerolls suffix modifiers if The Eater of Worlds is dominant. Dominance is determined by which Eldritch Horror has a higher Eldritch Implicit on the item.
  • Introduced the Eldritch Exalted Orb, a currency item that adds a prefix modifier to an item if The Searing Exarch is dominant, or adds a suffix modifier is The Eater of Worlds is dominant. Dominance is determined by which Eldritch Horror has a higher Eldritch Implicit on the item.
  • Introduced the Eldritch Orb of Annulment, a currency item that removes a prefix modifier from an item if The Searing Exarch is dominant, or removes a suffix modifier if The Eater of Worlds is dominant. Dominance is determined by which Eldritch Horror has a higher Eldritch Implicit on the item.
  • Introduced the Oil Extractor, a currency item that destroys an Anointed Ring, Amulet or Map to gain one of the oils used to create its Anointment, chosen at random. This item can be obtained with a specialisation on the Atlas Passive Tree.
  • Introduced a new type of currency, Scouting Reports, which can be used to reroll the missions offered by Kirac, guaranteeing at least one mission of a certain type.
  • Introduced the Surveyor’s Compass, a currency item that allows you to store a Sextant Modifier.
  • Added a new Dexterity Support gem – Mark on Hit: Trigger Supported Skill when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy with an Attack. Supports mark curse skills.
  • Added a new Strength/Intelligence Support gem – Divine Blessing: Converts supported Aura Skills into temporary Blessings with increased effect, changing their Reservation to a one-time cost. You will only be able to benefit from one Blessing at a time. This gem cannot convert Banner Skills.
  • Added a new Strength Support gem – Eternal Blessing: Supported Aura Skills lose their reservations and become Blessings. You will only be able to benefit from one Blessing at a time and while under the effect of a Supported Skill, all Non-Blessing Skills which reserve mana are disabled.

Minor New Content and Features

  • It is now possible to have multiple Blight Encounters in a single Area through the new Blight Atlas Passive Skills.
  • The Duelist has received audio dialogue for Part Two (acts 6-10) of Path of Exile.
  • Flasks now refill upon entering or leaving the Azurite Mine Encampment.
  • Raise Spectre’s most recent monster types are now saved to your character and may be Desecrated. The size of this list is capped by your Spectre limit.
  • Delve monsters that glow now fade their glow on death.
  • Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.

Note: Expedition shops in Permanent Leagues will be refreshed due to a number of currency item changes in 3.17.0.

Atlas and Map changes

  • The following Maps have been added back to the Atlas: Bazaar, Beach, Belfry, Bramble Valley, Burial Chambers, Cage, Channel, City Square, Cold River, Coral Ruins, Coves, Desert Spring, Frozen Cabins, Graveyard, Iceberg, Infested Valley, Ivory Temple, Jungle Valley, Lava Chamber, Marshes, Mesa, Peninsula, Phantasmagoria, Precinct, Primordial Pool, Shipyard, Shrine, and Volcano.
  • The following Maps have been removed from the Atlas: Alleyways, Barrows, Bog, Chateau, Core, Desert, Foundry, Fungal Hollow, Lava Lake, Leyline, Lighthouse, Mud Geyser, Park, Pit, Plateau, Primordial Blocks, Racecourse, Reef, Relic Chambers, Sepulchre, Siege, Spider Lair, Sulphur Vents, Sunken City, Terrace, Tropical Island, Waterways, and Wharf.
  • Vaal Temple is no longer on the Atlas, and is now obtained from corrupting tier 16 Maps.
  • Introduced a new “Synthesised Map” Base Type, which all 5 Unique Synthesis Maps now use. This Map is not found on the Atlas.
  • Some of the Map Bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have changed as a result of these Atlas changes.
  • Crafting Recipes that were previously unlocked in Maps that have been removed are now found within other Maps currently on the Atlas.
  • Favoured Map slots (formerly known as Favourite Map slots) are now unlocked upon completing specific content or defeating specific bosses.
  • The Conqueror and Awakener encounters can still be accessed. If you’re lucky, Kirac may offer a Conqueror’s Map!
  • Kirac can now offer missions involving Expedition, Ritual, Heist, and Ambush mechanics.
  • Introduced new modifiers that can roll on Maps, Expedition Logbooks, Heist Contracts, Blueprints and Delve areas.
  • Introduced new modifiers that can be obtained from Sextants.
  • Maps, Heist Contracts and Blueprints can no longer roll “Players have Point Blank”.
  • The Maven Orb is now called the Orb of Dominance, and no longer drops from Maven.
  • The Orb of Unmaking can now also be purchased from Kirac for two Orbs of Regret.
  • The Hook Divination Card has been temporarily disabled, and existing cards cannot be turned in currently.
  • Added a new Harvest craft that allows you to change a Conqueror Fragment into another random Conqueror Fragment of that type.
  • Added a new Harvest craft that allows you to sacrifice a Tier 14 Map or higher to create a random Conqueror-occupied Map.
  • Existing Scourged Maps no longer mention any Scourge gameplay mechanics on the item, as they will now have no effect.

Content and Rewards

Rewards from Conquerors

Awakened Gems are a significant damage boost for many builds. With Sirus and the Conquerors being moved to optional, less consistent late game content, Awakened Gems will not have a reasonable method of acquisition.

Move awakened gems to a different drop location.

With Conquerors being moved to secondary late-game content, Influenced items will be harder to obtain. Certain generic modifiers from Influenced items are significant improvements to damage for a large subset of builds, and locking that power behind the Influence mechanic limits both player options and pushes players to chase the secondary content more.

Move certain powerful influence modifiers into the base item modifier pool, out of the Influence modifier pool. These modifiers will still have a high level requirement.

Rewards from The Maven

Some of the Unique items that drop from The Maven are not powerful enough due to changes to the structure of the Endgame content.

Improve these Uniques so they feel appropriate as a reward from an Endgame boss.

Atlas Base Types

With Atlas Regions no longer existing in 3.17.0, there is no longer a location specific way to obtain Atlas Base Types. The new atlas has no clear distinction for how different locations could drop specific base types.

Make Atlas Base types into regular item drops, but have a lower chance to drop.


Sextants were previously applied to Watchstones which you could acquire very early into your Atlas progression. Sextants will now be applied to Voidstones, which are something you’ll first encounter very deep into your Atlas progression.

Have Sextants begin dropping closer to the time that you’ll actually have a Voidstone so that you’re not stuck with Sextants that have no use case.

Trading Sextants

There are only 4 Voidstones that can be acquired, therefore there is no way to itemise a Sextant modifier for later by slotting in an alternate Voidstone. We like the ability to itemise a Sextant modifier for use at a later time.

Add a new currency item that can be used on Voidstones, storing the Sextant Modifier in an itemised form, allowing for use at a later time or for trading to other players.

The Vaal Temple Map

Corrupting into Vaal Temple wasn’t a very good outcome, even though it’s meant to be rare and special. With the removal of Regions, it would become more common.

In order to have Vaal Temple feel more special as an outcome, we’ve added a special implicit modifier to Vaal Temple.

Blight-ravaged Maps

Blight-ravaged Maps are generally not as rewarding as regular Blighted Maps given the time investment and difficulty increase.

Improve the reward for increasing the difficulty of Blight-ravaged Maps.

Divination Cards and the Atlas Rotation

With maps now constantly rotating in and out of the Atlas, some Divination Cards may no longer have a location or boss that they can naturally be obtained from. In 3.16.0 this was handled by manually ensuring that every divination card still had a map to drop in, but this is not feasible to do for every release.

Change drop locations of many Divination Cards to drop in a specific thematically-linked list of areas. A few will drop in slightly fewer locations because of this change. Make sure every divination card that drops in maps will always have a map on the Atlas that drops it.

A small number of divination cards turn in for specific maps. This means that either these maps have to always be present when Atlas rotation occurs, or the rewards of these cards have to be altered so that they can always give a valid reward.

Make most divination cards that previously granted a specific map now grant a specific tier of map.


Most prophecy content is not up to our modern standards of league quality or rewards, and as new systems and mechanics are introduced, older content is gradually retired.

Remove the Prophecy mechanic from the game, and move many of its rewards to other content.

Some Divination cards grant Prophecy-related rewards that can no longer be obtained (for example, sealed prophecies).

We have updated some Divination Cards that previously awarded Sealed Prophecies, and temporarily disabled others that did not have a relevant update that could be made.


Leaders are only able to reinforce a job in specific situations where another job member is a higher or lower rank. This can result in a player unknowingly preventing a Leader from joining, and locking out any reinforcements from joining an encounter.

Betrayal job Leaders can now assist as reinforcements on a job if there are a total of 3 ranks worth of syndicate members in that job. This allows you to draw a leader out more easily by having multiple equally ranked members on a job, or a single rank 3 member on a job.

Delve Biome Modifiers

Newly-introduced delve biome modifiers that forced all side passage chests to be a specific chest type (such as fossils or azurite) could be used to repeatedly farm the same section of passage to produce huge amounts of resonators and fossils.

Change Delve biome modifiers that forced chests in side passages to be a particular chest to instead only affect chests behind fractured walls. Modifiers that made side passage chests of a particular type remain unchanged.

Newly-introduced delve biome modifiers that caused the crawler to consume less sulphite could be used to farm experience very efficiently by finding a biome with a high value of this mod, repeatedly running the same path and logging out before completing the encounter.

Reduce the values of sulphite-used biome modifiers

Monster Balance

Act 2 Improvements

Many monsters in act 2 are not up to the standard of challenge and polish of other content.

Improve the behaviour of most Act 2 monsters, raise the life of some weaker Act 2 monsters and add new monster varieties to some Act 2 areas

Tormented Martyrs

Monsters touched by Tormented Martyrs explode on death. The danger posed by this explosion is hard to predict due to being dependent on the monster’s main hand attack damage, which varies widely between monster types.

Change the damage dealt when Tormented Martyr-touched monsters explode to be based only on the monster’s level, meaning that every monster in a given area will deal a similar amount of damage when it explodes.

Existing Monster modifiers

Certain random monster modifiers have outdated values, and a more diverse set of modifiers are required for Archnemesis to provide an even spread of effects on killing Rare monsters.

Update and add to monster modifiers. Add more options for Caster monsters to allow more diverse modifier outcomes, and new enhanced defence modifiers.

Mausoleum Map Boss

The Mausoleum Map Boss’ Detonate Dead is not very well-telegraphed, making an avoidable source of damage hard to identify.

Reduce the number of corpses Tolman, The Exhumer, is able to explode at once and add a visual effect wind-up to the skill.

Player Balance

Hit-based Spellcasting

Most hit-based Spellcasting builds deal too little damage and have too few defensive and mobility options when compared with alternatives like Traps, Totems, Mines, Triggered Skills or Damage over Time.


  • Adjust the hit damage growth of most spells. The majority of spells gained around 45% more damage at gem level 20, resulting in up to 60% more damage by gem level 25. Some spells have received smaller adjustments or no adjustment. These less affected spells are generally those that provide more mobility or supplemental damage through duration mechanics.
  • Allow casters to obtain more cast speed through the Runic Dagger mod pool, increase some cast speed values and give rings and amulets additional tiers of cast speed modifiers.
  • Give Orb of Storms more damage and a mechanical redesign to solidify it as a great supplemental lightning damage skill.
  • Give Flameblast,..

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