Peacemaker’s Charlie The Gorilla Comic Origin Explained


Charlie The Gorilla

The new episode of Peacemaker introduces a new character which is a Silverback Gorilla. But the character didn’t just randomly appear in the show, he is a part of DC Comics. Here’s everything we know about his comic origin.

Just recently the fifth episode of Peacemaker was released, and what a great episode it was. The show is able to maintain the serious pace of the story while including unparalleled humor. The new characters that are being introduced in each episode add more flavor to the story. Talking about the new introductions, the one who grabbed the attention in the 5th episode was Charlie The Gorilla.

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Peacemaker | Vigilante Teaser | HBO Max

Peacemaker | Vigilante Teaser | HBO Max

Charlie’s Appearance In The Show

If you remember, the news of Charlie’s disappearance from the Evergreen Zoo is shown in the series for quite some time. Most of us would have considered it as a filler scene but the fifth episode proves us wrong. The Gorilla went missing from the zoo without any hint of how the theft took place. This could only mean that it has something to do with the Butterflies whom we thought are only disguised as humans.

But after the Peacemaker and his companions intrude the factory, they get attacked by Charlie The Gorilla. John Economos tears him apart with a chainsaw and later mentions how a butterfly flew from his head. Here we get to know that the butterflies are not taking over humans but animals too.

Comic Origin Of Charlie The Gorilla

The appearance of the Silverback Gorilla, Charlie dates back to 1996. He was first introduced in the 126th issue of DC Comics which was released by the name, Star Spangled War Stories. The comic mentions a character named Sargent Gorilla. The comic also mentions that Sargent Gorilla escaped from the zoo which probably means that both the characters are the same.

But all that said, maybe the two characters are different after all. Sargent Gorilla took part in World War II and escaped the zoo for his human owner Sargent Donovan. Fighting a world war means the story takes us back a long time ago from the present.

Nothing can be said with certainty. If both the gorillas are the same then maybe Charlie was taken over by a Butterfly which probably increased his life span. Who knows, anything can happen in comics.

The post Peacemaker’s Charlie The Gorilla Comic Origin Explained by Daksh Chaudhary appeared first on DualShockers.

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