PGL CS:GO RMR Events to Take Place on LAN in Romania: Schedule, Format, More


Just a week after announcing details about the PGL CS:GO Major Antwerp 2022, scheduled to take place in Belgium from 9th to 22nd May, PGL has now revealed information for the regional RMR (Regional Major Rankings) tournaments.

The various region specific RMR events will determine the 24 teams qualifying for the first Major of 2022. Starting this year, Valve has decided to consolidate all the regions into three tournaments – Europe (includes CIS), Americas (North America and South America), and Asia (includes Oceania).

For each of these regions, PGL will be hosting RMR tournament(s) at its Studio in Bucharest, Romania – starting with the open qualifiers between February-March and followed by LAN qualifiers in April.

Here is the complete information for the upcoming PGL CS:GO RMR tournaments including dates, schedule, format, and qualifying rules.

Ropz Finds New Way to Perfectly Lineup CS:GO Utility as Valve Disables ‘cl_showpos’PGL CS:GO RMR Tournaments 2022 – Complete Details

The RMR events have been divided into two parts, starting with the open qualifiers and followed by the regional LAN qualifiers through which the Antwerp Major contenders will be shortlisted.

Sportpaleis Arena PGL Major Antwerp 2022

Sportpaleis Arena – PGL CS:GO Major Antwerp 2022

PGL CS:GO RMR Tournaments 2022 – Open Qualifiers

Open qualifiers will take place for all the three main regions Europe, Americas, and Asia. However, within these three regions, multiple other qualifiers will be separately conducted with the winners flying out to Belgium to compete in the final LAN qualifier.

Open Qualifiers – Europe

Europe has a total of 19 slots available for the regional RMR tournament, this means that a total of 19 European CS:GO teams can make their way through the four open qualifiers.

Open Qualifiers – Americas

Americas has a total of 15 slots available for the regional RMR tournament, 7 slots for teams coming through North America and 8 slots for teams coming through South America.

Open Qualifiers – Asia

Asia has a total of 4 slots available for the regional RMR tournament, one slot each for teams coming through China, Oceania, The Middle East, and Rest of Asia (South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, etc).

PGL CS:GO RMR Tournaments 2022 – LAN Qualifiers

LAN qualifiers will take place for all the three main regions Europe, Americas, and Asia. While a single RMR event will take place for Americas and Asia, two such events will be held for Europe. In total, 38 teams will qualify through the open qualifiers but only 24 teams would be making it through to the PGL Major Antwerp 2022.

LAN Qualifiers – Europe

A total of 32 teams will be competing in the Europe LAN qualifiers, which has been divided into Europe RMR A and Europe RMR B. Both these qualifiers will be following a Swiss Format, with the elimination and qualifying matches being a BO3 series, while all other matches are BO1.

Europe RMR A (17th to 20th April)

The first qualifier will feature seven directly invited teams based on PGL Stockholm Major 2021 placements, while the remaining nine teams will be making their way through the open qualifiers.

Invited CS:GO teams are NAVI, Heroic, Virtus.Pro, Team Vitality, Copenhagen Flames, Astralis, ENCE.

  • 1st-4th – Legend Status.

  • 5th-6th – Challenger Status.

  • 7th-8th – Contender Status.

Europe RMR B (21st to 24th April)

The second qualifier will feature six directly invited teams based on PGL Stockholm Major 2021 placements, while the remaining ten teams will be making their way through the open qualifiers.

Invited CS:GO teams are G2 Esports, Gambit, Ninjas in Pyjamas, Entropiq, FaZe, MOUZ.

  • 1st-3rd – Legend Status.

  • 4th-7th – Challenger Status.

  • 8th – Contender Status.

LAN Qualifiers – Americas (11th to 14th April)

A total of 16 teams will be competing in the Americas LAN qualifier, 15 teams making their way through the open qualifiers while one team receives a direct invite – FURIA Esports, based on PGL Stockholm Major 2021 placement.

The event will be following a Swiss Format, with the elimination and qualifying matches being a BO3 series, while all other matches are BO1.

  • 1st – Legend Status.

  • 2nd-3rd – Challenger Status.

  • 4th-6th – Contender Status.

LAN Qualifiers – Asia (15th to 16th April)

A total of four teams will be competing in the Asia LAN qualifier. All the four teams will be making their way through the open qualifiers.

The event will be following a GSL Format with all the matches being a BO3 series.

  • 1st-2nd – Contender Status.

PGL CS:GO RMR will take place between April 11-24 at the PGL Studios

Read every detail about the RMR events and the Open Qualifiers ✔️

— PGL (@pglesports) February 9, 2022

So far this is all the information about the RMR tournaments that has been revealed. The 24 teams qualifying through these LAN qualifiers will proceed to compete at the PGL CS:GO Major Antwerp 2022, featuring a total prize pool of $1 Million USD and is all set to take place in front of a live audience at the Antwerps Sportpaleis arena.

PGL to Host First CS:GO Major of 2022 in BelgiumSubscribe to AFK Gaming’s Newsletter

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