Pixels & Ink Podcast: Episode 380

Pixels & Ink Podcast: Episode 380

In this week’s Pixels & Ink Podcast: Pretty Boy Lane makes an appearance with Brendan, Chris, and Dayna to catch up on this week’s latest news. Check out the Pixels & Ink LIVE Podcast on our Twitch, or Youtube channel.

With more negative Activision Blizzard news, the team talks about what could come from a brand-new Blizzard IP, the first one since Overwatch in 2016. Three new Star Wars announcements had everyone riled up, with rumblings about hopes for a certain blue character—Thrawn. New news about Elder Scrolls Online chapter, Legacy of the Bretons, was discussed, with stories about past Elder Scrolls titles.

In the team’s Reviews & Impressions segment, Dayna talks about her experience with her new Mavix M9 gaming chair. Brendan discusses his recent review of The Woman in the House Across the Street From the Girl in the Window and his preview of Crusader Kings III on console. Chris chats about the new D&D: Rules Expansion Gift Set, and Lane talks about his experience finishing up Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.

If you have any questions or want to write in to the podcast, just send an email to podcast@cgmagonline.com and we’ll read and answer your questions on air!

About the Castors:

  • Brendan Frye: Editor-in-Chief of CGMagazine, Brendan is as snarky as he is seasoned in the gaming industry. With over a decade working as a journalist and EIC, he has covered festivals and conferences, interviewed the industry’s biggest names, and is always excited to see how the medium changes with new technology and fresh voices. Find him on Twitter at @bfrye26
  • Chris De Hoog: A writer and podcaster from Ontario, Chris discovered roleplaying games with Final Fantasy on the NES and has been overthinking them ever since. When he’s not obsessing over Star Wars, you can find him steaming at twitch.tv/guildtwotaps
  • Dayna Eileen: A long-time serial gamer, mom of two, aunt to many; she absolutely loves introducing the people she knows to her love for games and nerd culture. You can find her on Instagram and Twitter and Instagram as @thedaynaeileen
  • Lane Martin: is “just a man. A man who happens to be awesome.” Find him at @Fritzvalt on Twitter.

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