PMDG 737 Series for Microsoft Flight Simulator is nearing completion


Pmdg 737 Headshot For Microsoft Flight SimulatorWhen Microsoft Flight Simulator launched for PC in 2020, the most passionate of the sim community were quick to point out its lack of ‘complex airliners.’ That is, commercial aircraft that have the characteristics of their real-life counterparts. As the sim continues to mature, the number of such products that fit that category have been growing slowly but surely. Now, PMDG, one of the biggest names in the game, is on the cusp of releasing its first of such products for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The studio has a very long and seasoned history with the world of flight simulator add-ons. Over the last several months, it’s been rebuilding one of its hit products, the Boeing 737 Series, for Microsoft’s next-gen sim. As of the latest development update from February 5, PMDG administrator “RSRandazzo” announced that the “wait is nearly over” for the 737 project.   On final approach Progress for this add-on grinded to a controversial h…

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