Pokemon Heal Ball Poke Ball Replica First of 4 New Models


Pokemon Heal Ball Poke Ball Replica First of 4 New Models

More Poke Ball replicas are on the way. The Pokemon Company International and The Wand Company confirmed four more will appear in 2022. The first will be a Heal Ball. That $99.99 toy will show up sometime in “early” April 2022. Pre-orders are open at The Pokemon Center until April 1, 2022. It will be followed by the Cherish Ball, Friend Ball, and Quick Ball.

As with all of these stainless steel replicas, they use AAA batteries to respond to people’s touch. The button will light up if you place your hand near it. Pressing its button causes it to light up as well. The case it can be placed in can also use batteries for additional lights.

The Wand Company’s Poke Ball replica models first appeared back in 2020. Things started with a basic version in February 2020. However, in 2021 additional designs showed up. The Dark Ball, Great Ball, Premier Ball, and Ultra Ball showed up in The Pokemon Center as 2021 ended.

The Heal Ball Poke Ball replica will be the first variant in this latest wave. It is expected to ship in “early” April 2022. They will be sold in Australia, Europe, North America, and New Zealand.

The post Pokemon Heal Ball Poke Ball Replica First of 4 New Models appeared first on Siliconera.

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