Pokemon Legends: Arceus: Alpha Pokemon Explained


Pokemon come in many shapes and sizes, especially in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. This open-world Pokemon spinoff incorporates a variety of Pokemon ranging from teeny-tiny to elephantine. Alpha Pokemon just happen to be the largest of them all, and the game recognizes them as such with the special name. Naturally, because alphas are new to the series, even long-time fans have plenty of questions. Here are the basics of what you need to know about alphas in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

What are Alpha Pokemon? A domesticated alpha Floatzel cries out in mightA domesticated alpha Floatzel cries out in might

Alpha Pokemon are the largest possible Pokemon in the game for their respective species. Just in case you don’t realize it, they remind you with their unique traits and looks; they’re red-eyed, aggressive creatures that attack you on sight. Thankfully, they lose that aggression and their eyes fade to a normal color once you catch them.

Where to find alpha Pokemon An alpha Shinx ponders its next move from farawayAn alpha Shinx ponders its next move from faraway

There’s at least one alpha Pokemon in each region. However, not all of them will appear at once. For example, alpha Floatzel appears across the bridge in the Obsidian Lands, which you can cross after receiving your first star. Meanwhile, Bibarel appears at the bottom of the hill before Grandtree Arena.

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