Pokemon Legends: Arceus’ Colored Shards Explained


Pokemon Legends Arceus Craft Potion

Nintendo has packed quite a lot of tasks into Pokemon Legends: Arceus, one being the ability to craft different recipes that may make you believe you are in Animal Crossing: New Horizons instead of the Hisui region.

We provide the lowdown on what Shards are in Pokemon’s latest video game chapter and where to find them.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus will be set within an ancient expanse of the Sinnoh region, where your task will be to “survey, catch, and research the wild Pokemon of the long-gone era” and complete the Pokedex at hand with a handful of new mechanics to set this game apart from the classics.

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Pokémon Legends Arceus: A familiar region. A new story.

Pokémon Legends Arceus: A familiar region. A new story.

Here’s Where to Find Shards

There is only one, surefire way of obtaining Shards and that’s through space-time distortions.

Shards are primarily found within these swirling, purple events that can appear in various locations on the map.

Players will be alerted when a distortion field appears nearby, by way of a swirling icon pinpointing its exact location on the map.

You will be able to spot colored Shards dotted on the ground during one of these events, appearing as light red, blue, or green particles.

Alternatively, keep a lookout for Shards being given away when Alpha Pokemon are defeated. This is a rarer occurrence to cash in on Shards, but it does happen.

A Space-time Distortion In Pokemon Legends Arceus #Pokemon #PokemonLegendsArceus #LegendsArceus pic.twitter.com/gVCEeuKrs1

— Chris Boyland (@ChrisJ_Boyland) January 29, 2022

The Purpose of Shards

Aside from selling your Shards to make a pretty penny, colored Shards are rather important for one thing and one thing only.

Towards the end of the game, you will eventually be able to unlock a recipe titled, Star Piece, from the crafting shop.

The recipe states that three Red Shards, three Blue Shards, three Green Shards, and a bag of Stardust are needed to fulfill the recipe.

space-time rift pokemon legends arceusImage from The Pokemon Company / Nintendo.

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Star Piece

In order to obtain the Star Piece recipe, players only have to visit Anvin in Jubilife Village.

Despite the recipe costing 10,000 Pokedollars, the primary goal of obtaining a Star Piece is to sell it in order to make a massive profit, and Star Pieces sell for 5,000 Pokedollars a piece.

It’s easy to see your wealth rise after obtaining tonnes of these Shards from the distortion field and it has become one of the easiest ways of making money in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

Pokemon Legends Arceus Trading Post

By Jo Craig – jo.craig@grv.media

Pokemon Legends: Arceus is now available worldwide.

The post Pokemon Legends: Arceus’ Colored Shards Explained by Jo Craig appeared first on DualShockers.

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