Pokemon Legends Arceus Eevee Evolutions Request Guide


One of the requests you get in Pokemon Legends Arceus is called Eevee Evolutions. Check out this Pokemon Legends Arceus Eevee Evolutions Request guide to figure out what you need to do. This way you aren’t looking all over the village to find what you need.

Pokemon Legends Arceus Eevee Evolutions Request Guide

In order to get this request you must first finish request 48 “The taste of home.” You will have to leave the village and come back for this request to open up. When you return, the guy will say he doesn’t know where his Eevee is and asks you to help. He says you should check the team Galaxy HQ and see what you can find out.

Head to the HQ and then head up the stairs to the second floor. On the second floor there is normally a Eevee but today it will be a Umbreon. That is the Eevee you are looking for but it evolved and the guy didn’t realize it. He will ask you to make him a cake for the Pokemon so he can see it eat. Gather the materials you need to make the muffin and return to the Umbreon. It will eat the muffin happily and the guy will realize that it is his Eevee, it just evolved.

He will offer you a thunder, fire, or water stone. Personally I think the water stones are the easiest to get, so choose another one.

Check back soon for more Pokemon Legends Arceus guides.

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