Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Hisui’s Complete Pokédex


Today we show you the complete Pokédex of Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Hisui’s pokédex. We include the types and variants. In this new Pokémon adventure, we will find up to 242 Pokémon, counting legendary and regional forms. We will be linking each Pokédex entry with the locations of each one.

We will receive the Hisui Pokédex from Professor Lavender in Villa Jubileo, after our first mission.

No. Pokemon Types
001 rowlet Plant / Flying
002 dartix Plant / Flying
003 decideueye Plant / Fight
004 Cyndaquil Fire
005 Quilava Fire
006 Typhlosion Fire / Ghost
007 Oshawott Water
008 Dewott Water
009 samurott Water / Dark
010 bidooff Normal
011 Bibabrel Normal / Water
012 starly Normal / Flying
013 Staravia Normal / Flying
014 Staraptor Normal / Flying
015 Shinx Electric
016 luxurious Electric
017 luxray Electric
018 Wurmple Bug
019 Silicon Bug
020 beautifully Bug / Flying
021 Cascoon Bug
022 Dustox Bug/ Poison
023 Ponyta Fire
024 rapidash Fire
025 eevee Normal
026 vaporeon Water
027 jolteon Electric
028 flareon Fire
029 espeon Psychic
030 Umbreon Sinister
031 Leafeon Plant
032 Glaceon Ice
033 Sylveon Fairy
034 Zubat Poison / Flying
035 Golbat Poison / Flying
036 Crobat Poison / Flying
037 Drifloon Ghost / Flying
038 Driftblim Ghost / Flying
039 kricketot Bug
040 cricketune Bug
041 Buizel Water
042 floatzel Water
043 burmy Bug
044 Wormadam Bug / Grass – Earth – Steel
045 Mothim Bug / Flying
046 geodude Rock / Earth
047 Graveler Rock / Earth
048 golem Rock / Earth
049 Stantler Normal
050 Wyrdeer Normal / Psychic
051 munchlax Normal
052 snorlax Normal
053 stop Bug / Plant
054 parasect Bug / Plant
055 pichu Electric
056 Pikachu Electric
057 Raichu Electric
058 open Psychic
059 Kadabra Psychic
060 Alakazam Psychic
061 chimchar Fire
062 Monferno Fire
063 infernape Fire
064 buneary Normal
065 Lopunny Normal
066 Cherubi Plant
067 Cherrim Plant
068 psyduck Water
069 Golduck Water
070 Combee Bug / Flying
071 vespiqueen Bug / Flying
072 scythe Bug / Flying
073 Kleavor Bug / Rock
074 Scizor Bug / Steel
075 Heracross Bug / Fight
076 mime jr. Psychic / Fairy
077 Mr Mime Psychic / Fairy
078 Aipom Normal
079 ambipom Normal
080 Magikarp Water
081 Gyrados Water / Flying
082 Shellos Water
083 Gastrodon Water earth
084 Quilfish Sinister / Poison
085 Overqwil Sinister / Poison
086 Happy Normal
087 Chansey Normal
088 Blissey Normal
089 budew Plant / Poison
090 roselia Plant / Poison
091 roserade Plant / Poison
092 Carnivine Plant
093 Petlil Plant
094 Lilligant Plant / Fight
095 tangela Plant
096 tangrowth Plant
097 Barboach Water earth
098 whiskey Water earth
099 Croagunk Poison / Fight
100 toxicroak Poison / Fight
101 ralts Psychic / Fairy
102 kirlia Psychic / Fairy
103 Gradevoir Psychic / Fairy
104 Gallade Psychic / Fairy
105 Yanma Bug / Flown
106 Yanmega Bug / Flying
107 hippopotamuses Earth
108 hippodawn Earth
109 Pachirisu Electric
110 stunky Poison / Sinister
111 Skuntank Poison / Sinister
112 Teddiursa Normal
113 ursaring Normal
114 Ursaluna Normal / Earth
115 Goomy Dragon
116 Sligoo Dragon / Steel
117 Goodra Dragon / Steel
118 Onyx Rock / Earth
119 Steelix Steel / Earth
120 Rhyhorm Earth / Rock
121 Rhydon Earth / Rock
122 Rhyperior Earth / Rock
123 bonsly rock
124 sudowoodo rock
125 Lickitung Normal
126 Lickilicky Normal
127 Togepi Fairy
128 TOGETIC Fairy / Flying
129 Togekiss Fairy / Flying
130 Turtwig Plant
131 grotle Plant
132 torterra Plant / Earth
133 Porygon Normal
134 porygon2 Normal
135 Porygon-Z Normal
136 Gastly Ghost / Poison
137 haunter Ghost / Poison
138 Gengar Ghost / Poison
139 Spiritomb Ghost / Sinister
140 Murkrow Sinister / Flying
141 Honchkrow Sinister / Flying
142 Unown Psychic
143 spheal Ice water
144 sealeo Ice water
145 walrein Ice water
146 Remoraid Water
147 Octillery Water
148 Skorupi Poison / Bug
149 Drapyon Poison / Sinister
150 Growlithe Fire / Rock
151 Arcanine Fire / Rock
152 Glameow Normal
153 Purugly Normal
154 machop Struggle
155 Machoke Struggle
156 Machamp Struggle
157 Chatot Flying / Normal
158 duskul Ghost
159 dusclops Ghost
160 dusknoir Ghost
161 Piplup Water
162 startplup Water
163 Empoleon Water / Steel
164 Mantyke Water / Flying
165 maintain Water / Flying
166 Basculin Water
167 Basculegion Water / Ghost
168 vulpix Fire
169 Ninetails Fire
170 tentacool Water / Poison
171 tentacruel Water / Poison
172 Finneon Water
173 Lumineon Water
174 Magby Fire
175 Magamr Fire
176 magmortar Fire
177 Magnemite Electric / Steel
178 magneton Electric / Steel
179 magnetone Electric / Steel
180 bronzer Steel / Psychic
181 Bronzong Steel / Psychic
182 elekid Electric
183 Electabuzz Electric
184 Electivire Electric
185 gligar Ground / Flying
186 Gliscor Ground / Flying
187 Gable Earth Dragon
188 cabinet Earth Dragon
189 Garchomp Earth Dragon
190 nose pass rock
191 probopass Rock / Steel
192 Voltorb Electrical / Plant
193 electrode Electrical / Plant
194 broken Electric / Ghost
195 Chingling Psychic
196 chimecho Psychic
197 Misdreavus Ghost
198 Mismagius Ghost
199 cleffa Fairy
200 Clefairy Fairy
201 Clefable Fairy
202 Sneasel Poison / Fight
203 sneaker Poison / Fight
204 Weavile Dark / Ice
205 snorunt Ice
206 Glalie Ice
207 frolass Ice / Ghost
208 Cranids rock
209 Ramparados rock
210 Shieldon Rock / Steel
211 Bastiodon Rock / Steel
212 Swinub Ice / Earth
213 Piloswine Ice / Earth
214 mamoswine Ice / Earth
215 bergmite Ice
216 Avalugg Ice / Rock
217 snover Plant / Ice
218 Abomasnow Plant / Ice
219 Zorua Normal / Phantom
220 Zoroarks Normal / Phantom
221 rufflet Normal / Flying
222 bravery Psychic / Flying
223 Riolu Struggle
224 Lucario Fight / Steel
225 uxie Psychic
226 mesprit Psychic
227 Azelf Psychic
228 Heatran Fire / Steel
229 Regigigas Normal
230 Cresselia Psychic
231 Thundurus Electric / Flying
232 Tornadus Flying
233 landorus Ground / Flying
2. 3. 4 Enamorus Fairy / Flying
235 talk Steel / Dragon
236 Palkia Water / Dragon
237 Giratina Ghost / Dragon
238 Areceus Normal
239 Phione Water
240 manaphy Water
241 Shaymin Plant
242 darkray Sinister

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