Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Hisui’s Complete Pokédex

Today we show you the complete Pokédex of Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Hisui’s pokédex. We include the types and variants. In this new Pokémon adventure, we will find up to 242 Pokémon, counting legendary and regional forms. We will be linking each Pokédex entry with the locations of each one.
We will receive the Hisui Pokédex from Professor Lavender in Villa Jubileo, after our first mission.
No. | Pokemon | Types |
001 | rowlet | Plant / Flying |
002 | dartix | Plant / Flying |
003 | decideueye | Plant / Fight |
004 | Cyndaquil | Fire |
005 | Quilava | Fire |
006 | Typhlosion | Fire / Ghost |
007 | Oshawott | Water |
008 | Dewott | Water |
009 | samurott | Water / Dark |
010 | bidooff | Normal |
011 | Bibabrel | Normal / Water |
012 | starly | Normal / Flying |
013 | Staravia | Normal / Flying |
014 | Staraptor | Normal / Flying |
015 | Shinx | Electric |
016 | luxurious | Electric |
017 | luxray | Electric |
018 | Wurmple | Bug |
019 | Silicon | Bug |
020 | beautifully | Bug / Flying |
021 | Cascoon | Bug |
022 | Dustox | Bug/ Poison |
023 | Ponyta | Fire |
024 | rapidash | Fire |
025 | eevee | Normal |
026 | vaporeon | Water |
027 | jolteon | Electric |
028 | flareon | Fire |
029 | espeon | Psychic |
030 | Umbreon | Sinister |
031 | Leafeon | Plant |
032 | Glaceon | Ice |
033 | Sylveon | Fairy |
034 | Zubat | Poison / Flying |
035 | Golbat | Poison / Flying |
036 | Crobat | Poison / Flying |
037 | Drifloon | Ghost / Flying |
038 | Driftblim | Ghost / Flying |
039 | kricketot | Bug |
040 | cricketune | Bug |
041 | Buizel | Water |
042 | floatzel | Water |
043 | burmy | Bug |
044 | Wormadam | Bug / Grass – Earth – Steel |
045 | Mothim | Bug / Flying |
046 | geodude | Rock / Earth |
047 | Graveler | Rock / Earth |
048 | golem | Rock / Earth |
049 | Stantler | Normal |
050 | Wyrdeer | Normal / Psychic |
051 | munchlax | Normal |
052 | snorlax | Normal |
053 | stop | Bug / Plant |
054 | parasect | Bug / Plant |
055 | pichu | Electric |
056 | Pikachu | Electric |
057 | Raichu | Electric |
058 | open | Psychic |
059 | Kadabra | Psychic |
060 | Alakazam | Psychic |
061 | chimchar | Fire |
062 | Monferno | Fire |
063 | infernape | Fire |
064 | buneary | Normal |
065 | Lopunny | Normal |
066 | Cherubi | Plant |
067 | Cherrim | Plant |
068 | psyduck | Water |
069 | Golduck | Water |
070 | Combee | Bug / Flying |
071 | vespiqueen | Bug / Flying |
072 | scythe | Bug / Flying |
073 | Kleavor | Bug / Rock |
074 | Scizor | Bug / Steel |
075 | Heracross | Bug / Fight |
076 | mime jr. | Psychic / Fairy |
077 | Mr Mime | Psychic / Fairy |
078 | Aipom | Normal |
079 | ambipom | Normal |
080 | Magikarp | Water |
081 | Gyrados | Water / Flying |
082 | Shellos | Water |
083 | Gastrodon | Water earth |
084 | Quilfish | Sinister / Poison |
085 | Overqwil | Sinister / Poison |
086 | Happy | Normal |
087 | Chansey | Normal |
088 | Blissey | Normal |
089 | budew | Plant / Poison |
090 | roselia | Plant / Poison |
091 | roserade | Plant / Poison |
092 | Carnivine | Plant |
093 | Petlil | Plant |
094 | Lilligant | Plant / Fight |
095 | tangela | Plant |
096 | tangrowth | Plant |
097 | Barboach | Water earth |
098 | whiskey | Water earth |
099 | Croagunk | Poison / Fight |
100 | toxicroak | Poison / Fight |
101 | ralts | Psychic / Fairy |
102 | kirlia | Psychic / Fairy |
103 | Gradevoir | Psychic / Fairy |
104 | Gallade | Psychic / Fairy |
105 | Yanma | Bug / Flown |
106 | Yanmega | Bug / Flying |
107 | hippopotamuses | Earth |
108 | hippodawn | Earth |
109 | Pachirisu | Electric |
110 | stunky | Poison / Sinister |
111 | Skuntank | Poison / Sinister |
112 | Teddiursa | Normal |
113 | ursaring | Normal |
114 | Ursaluna | Normal / Earth |
115 | Goomy | Dragon |
116 | Sligoo | Dragon / Steel |
117 | Goodra | Dragon / Steel |
118 | Onyx | Rock / Earth |
119 | Steelix | Steel / Earth |
120 | Rhyhorm | Earth / Rock |
121 | Rhydon | Earth / Rock |
122 | Rhyperior | Earth / Rock |
123 | bonsly | rock |
124 | sudowoodo | rock |
125 | Lickitung | Normal |
126 | Lickilicky | Normal |
127 | Togepi | Fairy |
128 | TOGETIC | Fairy / Flying |
129 | Togekiss | Fairy / Flying |
130 | Turtwig | Plant |
131 | grotle | Plant |
132 | torterra | Plant / Earth |
133 | Porygon | Normal |
134 | porygon2 | Normal |
135 | Porygon-Z | Normal |
136 | Gastly | Ghost / Poison |
137 | haunter | Ghost / Poison |
138 | Gengar | Ghost / Poison |
139 | Spiritomb | Ghost / Sinister |
140 | Murkrow | Sinister / Flying |
141 | Honchkrow | Sinister / Flying |
142 | Unown | Psychic |
143 | spheal | Ice water |
144 | sealeo | Ice water |
145 | walrein | Ice water |
146 | Remoraid | Water |
147 | Octillery | Water |
148 | Skorupi | Poison / Bug |
149 | Drapyon | Poison / Sinister |
150 | Growlithe | Fire / Rock |
151 | Arcanine | Fire / Rock |
152 | Glameow | Normal |
153 | Purugly | Normal |
154 | machop | Struggle |
155 | Machoke | Struggle |
156 | Machamp | Struggle |
157 | Chatot | Flying / Normal |
158 | duskul | Ghost |
159 | dusclops | Ghost |
160 | dusknoir | Ghost |
161 | Piplup | Water |
162 | startplup | Water |
163 | Empoleon | Water / Steel |
164 | Mantyke | Water / Flying |
165 | maintain | Water / Flying |
166 | Basculin | Water |
167 | Basculegion | Water / Ghost |
168 | vulpix | Fire |
169 | Ninetails | Fire |
170 | tentacool | Water / Poison |
171 | tentacruel | Water / Poison |
172 | Finneon | Water |
173 | Lumineon | Water |
174 | Magby | Fire |
175 | Magamr | Fire |
176 | magmortar | Fire |
177 | Magnemite | Electric / Steel |
178 | magneton | Electric / Steel |
179 | magnetone | Electric / Steel |
180 | bronzer | Steel / Psychic |
181 | Bronzong | Steel / Psychic |
182 | elekid | Electric |
183 | Electabuzz | Electric |
184 | Electivire | Electric |
185 | gligar | Ground / Flying |
186 | Gliscor | Ground / Flying |
187 | Gable | Earth Dragon |
188 | cabinet | Earth Dragon |
189 | Garchomp | Earth Dragon |
190 | nose pass | rock |
191 | probopass | Rock / Steel |
192 | Voltorb | Electrical / Plant |
193 | electrode | Electrical / Plant |
194 | broken | Electric / Ghost |
195 | Chingling | Psychic |
196 | chimecho | Psychic |
197 | Misdreavus | Ghost |
198 | Mismagius | Ghost |
199 | cleffa | Fairy |
200 | Clefairy | Fairy |
201 | Clefable | Fairy |
202 | Sneasel | Poison / Fight |
203 | sneaker | Poison / Fight |
204 | Weavile | Dark / Ice |
205 | snorunt | Ice |
206 | Glalie | Ice |
207 | frolass | Ice / Ghost |
208 | Cranids | rock |
209 | Ramparados | rock |
210 | Shieldon | Rock / Steel |
211 | Bastiodon | Rock / Steel |
212 | Swinub | Ice / Earth |
213 | Piloswine | Ice / Earth |
214 | mamoswine | Ice / Earth |
215 | bergmite | Ice |
216 | Avalugg | Ice / Rock |
217 | snover | Plant / Ice |
218 | Abomasnow | Plant / Ice |
219 | Zorua | Normal / Phantom |
220 | Zoroarks | Normal / Phantom |
221 | rufflet | Normal / Flying |
222 | bravery | Psychic / Flying |
223 | Riolu | Struggle |
224 | Lucario | Fight / Steel |
225 | uxie | Psychic |
226 | mesprit | Psychic |
227 | Azelf | Psychic |
228 | Heatran | Fire / Steel |
229 | Regigigas | Normal |
230 | Cresselia | Psychic |
231 | Thundurus | Electric / Flying |
232 | Tornadus | Flying |
233 | landorus | Ground / Flying |
2. 3. 4 | Enamorus | Fairy / Flying |
235 | talk | Steel / Dragon |
236 | Palkia | Water / Dragon |
237 | Giratina | Ghost / Dragon |
238 | Areceus | Normal |
239 | Phione | Water |
240 | manaphy | Water |
241 | Shaymin | Plant |
242 | darkray | Sinister |
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