Pokemon Legends Arceus Requests Guide

Requests are side quests in the new Pokemon game. This Pokemon Legends Arceus Requests Guide will tell you where to find all of the Requests we’ve completed as well as information on how to complete each of the Requests you encounter while exploring the game.
There are a lot of Requests available as you explore the world of Pokemon Legends Arceus. They are usually given by towns folk as you explore the town, marked by a small request icon above the head of the person giving the Request. These are optional side quests that you can complete or ignore.
Pokemon Legends Arceus Requests Guide
Request: Request from Beauregard outside the Galaxy Hall. He asks you to find a Wurmple
Solution: You can catch a Wurmple at specific areas in Obsidian Fields.
Reward: 3x Dazzling Honey
Solution: Starly is commonly found in the Obsidian Fields map.
Reward: x10 Pokeball
Solution: Shinx is commonly found throughout the Obsidian Fields map.
Reward: Potion x3
Solution: Buizel can be caught near the streams on the Obsidian Fields map. It needs to be over 2’8″. It took me about 20-30 catches. You will get a notification of catching one larger version of the species, that’s usually big enough but not always.
Reward: 5x Oran Berry, 1x Exp Candy S.
Solution: Deliver 5 Pokeballs
Reward: x3 Grit Dust
Solution: You can find Springy Mushrooms in the South East corner of the Obsidian Fields map.
Reward: 1x Mushroom Cake recipe
Solution: Rest until Evening and then head to Prelude Beach to the South of town. You’ll find a boy hiding behind the hut with Drifloon.
Reward: Stardust x1
Solution: Find all three Bidoof and help her catch them. Check out our guide on where to find Bothersome Bidoof.
Reward: Rare Candy x1
Solution: Catch a Zubat and show it to Clarissa.
Reward: Aux Power
Solution: Deliver a Silcoon. Wurmple evolves into different forms depending on personality so just grab a bunch and you should get one.
Reward: 1x XP Candy Small
Solution: You can catch Kricketot quite commonly in Obsidian Fields. Check South West of Nature’s Pantry, by the shoreline. You need to earn 10 points in Kricketot’s Pokedex to complete the Request.
Reward: x3 Vivichoke
Solution: They are easy to find near Deertrack Path but if you get stuck, check out our guide on where to catch Geodude. Once you have the quest complete, Radisa can be found in her home, the three houses near the farm, the middle house
Reward: 3x Honey Cake, 1x Small XP Candy
Solution: Use Pokemon to knock berries from a tree
Reward: 15x Pokeball
Solution: These are common on many of the trees in the Obsidian Field area. You must have them in your satchel, not your storage
Reward: x3 Revive
Solution: Whilst riding a Pokemon hit 17 of the balloons.
Reward: 1x Rare Candy, 15x Feather Ball
Solution: Go into the house. Investigate the covered mirror at the back of the room and then investigate the table with the pot on it. Then investigate the chest near the door. Then investigate the partition furniture on the side of the wall to see a Pichu.
Reward: Nanab Berry
Solution: Complete any single objective from the Cherrim entry in the Pokedex. I’ve not found anywhere to catch a Cherrim directly but we do have a guide on where to catch a Cherubi if you don’t have one either, they evolve into Cherrim. To complete the Pokedex can be complicated, check out our guide here.
Reward: 5x Vivichoke
Solution: You need to find wood. You can find it in the South East corner of the Obsidian Fields map, near Heartwood.
Reward: Pokeshi Doll
Solution: Speak with Yota who can be found on the Western bridge near the farm during the event. He stands on the bridge. Head to Horseshoe Plains, turn on the objective marker and head to the location. You find a special version of Ponyta. Catch it.
Reward: 5x Razz Berry
Solution: Turn on the objective tracker and then investigate the tree. It’s a Chimchar. Catch or kill it to finish the objective. This is the only place you can catch a Chimchar until much later in the game.
Reward: 2x Small EXP Candy
Solution: Run around the back of the houses and approach Mr Mime from behind. Then he heads behind the Galaxy building, follow again and work around his light screen.
Reward: Aux Guard x2
Solution: N/A
Reward: 3x Twice-Spiced Radish
Solution: His asks you to bring Hearty Grains to Tao Hua. You need three Grains. They are yellow, corn-like plants. You can find them in the very first area after the camp in the Crimson Mirelands
Reward: General Store New Items
Solution: You need to head to the Crimson Mirelands and catch Hippopotas, you need one male and one female. You can tell the difference with the color around the eyes. One is dark, one is light. You can find them West of Sludge Mound in the large pools of mud.
Reward: New clothing shop items
Solution: You need to catch and show him a Buneary, you find them in The Heartwood. We have a guide here.
Reward: New photography options
Solution: Go to the practice field to the South of the village and get enough points on the mini-game.
Reward: 15x Great Ball, 1x Nugget
Solution: Catch a Geodude and return it to Miller at the farm
Reward: Additional Farming Fields
Solution: Show him a Pokemon that has high friendship with you. Your starter should work perfectly fine at this point.
Reward: 1x Rare Candy
Solution: Head into the Galaxy building and speak with Anise, she’s also on Canala Avenue during the day. She’s in her home. If you’re heading toward the South gate, second last on the left. She wants you to find a Pokemon with three leaves. You need to catch a Petilil. They can be found on the Crimson Mirelands map near the Holm of Trials.
Reward: 3x Fine Remedy, 5x Hopo Berry
Solution: She wants the full dex entries complete for Roselia. You don’t need to complete every dex entry, you just need to get 10 points.
Reward: 5x Grain Cake, 2x Small EXP Candy
Solution: Head to the location and defeat the Stunky’s.
Reward: New base camp.
Solution: Head into the Galaxy building and speak with Tomma. She gives you the medicine. Return to the other lady to complete the Request
Reward: 1x Max Revive
Solution: Speak with Morel in the village to get started. Simply deliver the Parasect to complete the Request
Reward: 5x Candy Truffle
Solution: Catch a Croagunk and return it to complete the mission.
Reward: 1x Full Heal, 3x EXP Candy Small
Solution: Head to Crimson Mirelands and speak with Ren. You need to remove all Pokemon from your party and win with just Pachirisu. This is why catching the Alpha one is a good idea as it’s level 40. Speak with him to fight a Pokemon and complete the Request. Start off with Thunder Wave then kill it.
Reward: 3x Sitrus Berry, 1x Grit Gravel
Solution: You need to bring a Pokemon with Water Pulse. Gyarados learns it early so catch a Magikarp if you don’t have Water Pulse available. Psyduck, Shellos, Golduck, other options.
Reward: Heavy Ball x15, Exp Candy Small x3
Solution: You need to catch a Tangela. Check out our guide on where to catch Tangela
Reward: Smoke Bomb x5, x2 Exp Candy Small.
Solution: Head to Crimson Mirelands and mount your new friend. Follow his signal to find the girl. She can be found in the South West corner, just below the term “Gapejaw Bog” on the map.
Reward: 3x Stardust
Solution: You need to complete Magikarp Pokedex up to at least 10 points.
Solution: Head to this location. There’s a small island in the middle of a swamp. There’s a shining object in the water. Approach it to fight a Hippowden and then complete the mission.
Reward: 5x Iron Chunk, 1x Grit Gravel
Solution: You are looking to catch a Glameow. They can be found in the first area of the Crimson Mirelands
Reward: 2x Aux Evasion, 2x Grit Gravel
Solution: Deliver any water Pokemon to Miller. Any of the dozens of Buizel’s you caught earlier will work fine.
Reward: More fields.
Solution: You find Pop Pods along the beachy areas in Cobalt Coastlands. You can find some quickjly at the Ginkgo Landing location.
Reward: More items in the shop
Solution: Eagle eyed fans of Pokemon will instantly recognize this Pokemon as Duskull. You need to catch a Duskull and hand it to the man. You can find Duskull in the Cobalt Coastlands, at the Deadwood Haunt at night.
Reward: More photography options
Solution: You can catch the Shellos in Obsidian Fields in sunny weather during the day South of Sandgem Flats in the South West. The Cobalt Coastlands Shellos can be found on this small island here. It was during a storm for me. You need the ability to ride on water.
Solution: You find..