PS4 Trophies Bugged Out with PS3 Labels and People Are Jumping to Conclusions Again


It was just a glitch.

As the ol’ saying goes: aw sh*t, here we go again! Following a tepid – and totally unrelated – “tease” from PlayStation Japan’s social media account over the weekend, the whole backwards compatibility song-and-dance has once again been restarted by a PS Store bug. Some fans noticed overnight that their PlayStation 4 Trophies were temporarily broken, and replaced by PS3 labels. We actually observed this ourselves, and came to the conclusion that someone at Sony HQ had plugged in the wrong cable – of course, it doesn’t take much for social media and other games websites to make a mountain out of a molehill.

To be fair, this follows a spate of stories regarding backwards compatibility, although it all feels like wishful thinking from where we’re sitting. There are rumours that Sony will reboot PS Plus and PS Now later this year as Project Spartacus, with classic games touted as one of the premium subscriber tiers. This was then followed by an age-old error prompting PS3 games to appear on PS5’s search utility and an unrelated patent being passed around. Now the sudden appearance of PS3 labels on PS4 Trophies has people losing their collective minds.

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