PS5 Screenshots & Videos Can Now Be Auto-Uploaded To PlayStation Mobile App


A number of PS5 owners are reporting that they are able to automatically uploaded their screenshots and videos to the PlayStation Mobile App.

The majority of users reporting this feature are based in North America, and claim that the auto-upload feature is now available for any captured screenshots and videos. Previously, the PS5 did not offer the ability to automatically upload this content to the PS App; instead, users had to manually share them on social media and then download them.

However, from the look of things, Sony has quietly added auto-uploads to the PS App, which can be found by going to the Media Gallery on the console, where a pop-up will notify them of the feature.

Automatically upload your latest screenshots and video clips, and view them on PlayStation App.

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Screenshots and videos (the latter requiring a length of no more than three minutes) will be automatically uploaded to the PS App, and will remain there for 14 days. You can then use the content in your chosen photo/editing suite, as opposed to being limited to sharing them on social media.

[Source – Reddit]

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