Random: Check Out This 1986 Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Book Where You Play As Zelda


Explore the story of Ganon’s long-lost brother.

Fantastic game history archiving news, everybody! History of Hyrule, a prolific Zelda archivist, has just uploaded a high-quality scan of The Legend of Zelda: The Mirage Castle, a choose-your-own-adventure book from 1986, shortly after the release of the first Legend of Zelda game.

Because The Mirage Castle was released so long ago, it has a lot of weird and interesting Zelda lore that has since been scrubbed from the story, like a character called Fairy Fanny and Ganon’s younger brother, Demon General Gaia. Zelda’s father is a character we’ve met a few times over the last 30 years, but we’ve never known him as “King Graham II”, as he’s called in the book.

Read the full article on nintendolife.com

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