Review: EGGLIA Rebirth – Legend Of Mana Creators Deliver An RPG Worth Cracking Open

A cracking good time.
Dedicated Nintendo fans may be familiar with the studio Brownie Brown, which was started by ex-Square staff members with credits on the Mana series and has titles like Fantasy Life and Mother 3 to its name. In 2013, Nintendo restructured Brownie Brown into a support studio, which led to its founder Shinichi Kameoka exiting and starting his own studio called, wait for it… Brownies. One of the first projects Brownies produced after its formation was a mobile game called Egglia: Legend of the Redcap, which has now seen a re-release on dedicated gaming platforms as Egglia Rebirth. Stripped of its microtransactions and redesigned for consoles, is Egglia still worth cracking open? Yeah, we’d say it is.
The narrative of Egglia remains simple yet endearing, as it creates a welcoming and friendly world that you can’t help but connect with. You play the role of a redcap goblin—feared by all you meet due to the reputation redcaps have for being incredibly violent. Your character, however, is an amnesiac with his horns chopped off and doesn’t act like such a mean guy, so you soon pull together a small group of allies and begin building a town from which to rebuild the world. Legend of Mana’s influence on the story of Egglia is most immediately apparent in this aspect, as your quest revolves around you collecting and opening eggs that contain small parts of the world which have mysteriously disappeared.
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