Rockstar Announces Massive Improvements for GTA V and Online on Current-Gen Hardware

In a recent press release, Rockstar has announced massive improvements for Grand Theft Auto V and Online in the current-gen hardware. The enhanced editions of both GTA V and GTA Online are coming to Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X|S on March 15. Not only that they also announced the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series in development.
What Improvements and Features Are Coming
According to the release, GTA V and GTA Online for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S:
- Will feature new graphics modes with up to 4K resolution and up to 60 frames per second
- Texture and draw-distance upgrades will be available
- HDR options and ray-tracing will be present
- Faster loading times on both consoles
- Immersive 3D Audio
- Use of Haptic Feedback in the Playstation 5
- PS4 and Xbox One users can migrate their characters at launch
Not only that a standalone version of GTA Online will be made available for the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S at launch. The versions will be made available for the first three months after launch which will make GTA Online more accessible to everyone.
GTA Online Specific Features
Some specific features for GTA Online are also mentioned in the press release:
- Ability to skip story mode prologue and head straight into Online
- New Online tutorial
- New players will now enter the Career Builder. They will have instant access to their choice of one of four illicit businesses in the game.
- Returning players have also the ability to use Career Builder to restart their progress.
- In addition to that, the current gen versions of GTA Online also include the new Hao’s Special Works auto shop, which will allow players to upgrade select vehicles for elite driving performance. These will full advantage of the upgraded power of new console hardware.
More details of the announcement can be read here, and the announcement for GTA 6 here.
We can see the future of Rockstar and the Grand Theft Auto series looks brighter than ever with these announcements. And with the enhancements coming in shortly, GTA V and Online will be a treat to play for sure. What do you think of this news? Are you ready for the enhanced versions of GTA V and Online? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
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