Rollback netcode comes to BlazBlue Centralfiction for PC today


rollback netcode BlazBlue CentralfictionLast year at CEO 2021 in Orlando, Florida, the fighting game community got several huge announcements for some of the best franchises in the genre. The big headlines included Baiken coming to Guilty Gear Strive, and Skullgirls was getting two more characters. One announcement that seemed to fly more under the radar, but was arguably the biggest one of them all: rollback netcode was heading to two BlazBlue games. Today, the PC version of BlazBlue Centralfiction at last has its rollback netcode. For those that don’t know, rollback is a form of netcode that allows fighting games to function more smoothly online. To make a complicated system sound far simpler than it is, whenever there is a break in a connection between two players, the game will “roll itself back” to a previous point. Most of the time, this rollback is imperceptible to players.   The important part is that, unlike traditional delay-based netcode, it allows fighting games to function as intended o…

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