Rust Console Edition Update 1.23 Is Heavy On Bug Fixes


Double Eleven has unleashed the Rust Console Edition update 1.23 patch notes for you to digest, which adds a number of key bug fixes for the game.

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  • Increased the allowed building range for the Supermarket monument.
  • Players are now able to use gestures in more ways. Like while sitting in a chair for example.
  • Players are now required to hold the pick up button. This should help stop accidental pickups from occurring.
  • The AI for the bear was slightly adjusted. Players could run in circles around them, without being attacked.
  • Rocket Launcher deploy time changed from 6 seconds to 3 seconds to match the PC version.
  • Radiation logo no longer disappears when entering areas with high radiation.

Crash Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when connecting to a server.
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when players kicked for being idle.

Bug Fixes:

  • Players should no longer be able to clip through the ceiling of the Gas Station monument.
  • Fixed a bug causing the laser sight to be invisible to other players.
  • Fixed corpses clipping into terrain when spawned in shallow water.
  • Fixed a bug where the Spas-12 shotgun animation starts before the character pulls the charging handle, when the Player equips it from the quick access menu.
  • Activating a gesture while an item finishes crafting into your hotbar no longer results in the player displaying two animations at once.
  • Fixed a bug that caused damage to a boat when holding a jackhammer in the active inventory slot while navigating the vehicle.
  • Fixed the particle effects for the M39 Rifle.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Planters to become unavailable after the pumpkins grow over them.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the player shadow to show them holding an M39 Rifle at all times even with the weapon on the inventory.
  • Fixed a bug causing the ADS sensitivity to not work properly when the weapon had two or more attachments in it.
  • Fixed a bug causing players to be able to cancel the torch extinguish animation.
  • Fixed a bug causing the animal bites to not deal bleeding damage.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes occurred when shooting a player with a bow or a nail gun that resulted in projectiles sticking to the target Player’s model, even after respawn.
  • Fixed a bug causing recyclers to interrupt item splitting in the player’s own inventory.
  • Fixed a bug allowing players to use the chainsaw during the reload animation.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Outpost scientists patrol path to break upon becoming non-aggressive.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes could cause the player to rubberband when falling into a Triangle Ladder Hatch.
  • Fixed a graphical bug causing the wall of twigs to have a different shade when compared to other items of the same material.
  • Fixed the movement on the roulette wheel.
  • Fixed a bug causing the melee weapons that get stuck on a player to disappear once that player died.
  • Fixed an issue causing objects to fall through and disappear on the top floor of the silo in the Airfield monument.
  • Fixed the shadow of the player when using Candle Hat at night.
  • Fixed a bug causing the arrows to sometimes not be visible from a player’s perspective.
  • Fixed an issue where players will lose the ability to jump when someone dies on top of their head.
  • Fixed a bug causing the built structures to not be upgraded properly.
  • Fixed bus stop generation issue so it will appear on the same height as a road.
  • Fixed a visual issue with monument SLODS.

The post Rust Console Edition Update 1.23 Is Heavy On Bug Fixes appeared first on PlayStation Universe.

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