Should you go to Aitor or meet Sophie in Dying Light 2?


Wondering if you should go to Aitor or meet Sophie during The Raid quest in Dying Light 2? You’ll need to make plenty of decisions as you play through the story, and it’s not always easy to tell whether you’ve made the right choice until it’s too late. Of course, going in blind can be fun, especially if you’re planning another playthrough. But if you’d rather know the consequences of your decisions, I’ve got you covered.

This particular choice essentially has you siding with either the Peacekeepers or the Survivors. Before you proceed, be warned that spoilers for Dying Light 2 and the outcome of each option follow. If you’re ready to jump in, here’s what you need to know about the Dying Light 2 Aitor or Sophie choice.

Dying Light 2 Aitor or Sophie: Whom should you meet? 

After you’ve rescued Carl from the bandit camp during The Raid quest, you’re asked to return to the nearby motel to meet Sophie. Just before you enter, you’ll receive a call from Hakon, telling you not to go in and that you should go to Aitor instead.

If you choose to go to Aitor, you’re siding with the Peacekeepers, and he’ll ask for your help in taking the water tower. Naturally, the Survivors aren’t particularly happy with this.

If you decide to meet Sophie, you’ll have to fight her bodyguard before having to choose between several dialogue options as she questions your loyalty. These are: 

  • We can help each other: Follow this up with “Yes”, and Sophie will explain the plan to take the water tower.
  • Try me!: Sophie will dismiss you. You’ll then be free to contact Aitor.

Both choices lead to the Water Tower quest. While one of the factions won’t be best pleased by your actions, this choice won’t affect the overall outcome.

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