Sifu: Jinfeng (The CEO) Boss Fight Guide


The fourth Sifu boss known as Jinfeng (The CEO) is a tricky one, simply because she’s hard to hit. After pummeling away on bosses like Fajar, Sean, and Kuroki, you might want to use similar tactics to take down Jinfeng, but doing so will put you at a disadvantage. Instead, you must utilize a different tactic to get close to this boss and once you do, she’s highly susceptible to standard attacks. Here’s how to take down Jinfeng in Sifu.

How to defeat Jinfeng

Your gut reaction with this fight might be to run straight at her to begin attacking. After all, she’s a little old lady and you can take her, right? Well, you’ll notice if you run at her head-on, she’ll swipe you with her flail, and at first, it seems like nothing you can do will stop her.

The key with this fight is to block or run around her flail attacks while rotating around to her side. You should only have to deal with two or three flail attacks before getting close to her and once you do, she doesn’t put up much of a fight. As always, get a few attacks in, then back away to avoid her flail attack. While we do recommend blocking these moves, doing so will increase your Structure, so it’s sometimes a good idea to run around them if possible. Though, if you have to block them, you should do that rather than getting hit. Remember, as long as you curve around her instead of running head on, you’ll be in good shape.

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