Sloclap Confirms Free Content Updates Coming to Sifu


The launch of Sifu has certainly been a qualified success, even with its woes for early access for owners of the Deluxe Edition. The challenging brawler is a hard game for most, but for those that are willing to put in the hours, developers SloClap are going to be with you on the journey. In a PlayStation Blog post, the team shared that more content updates will be coming to Sifu for free in the future.

“Finally, we wanted you to know that part of the team behind Sifu is already at work on post-launch content. We have exciting plans for free content updates that we will soon be able to tell you more about! Stay tuned for more, and enjoy your experience with Sifu,” Community Manager Felix Garczynski shared.

Sloclap Confirms Free Content Updates Coming to Sifu 2

While the game is challenging, Sifu is not exactly a very long game. Granted, it will take players plenty of time to master each stage and learn the patterns of the enemy, but adding even more content to prolong the journey might be a good thing. Challenges and time trials will also be content that could potentially make Sifu more appealing to other types of players.

With SloClap committed to supporting Sifu with even more updates in the future, hopefully, we will know more sooner rather than later. If you are already trying out the game or looking to start, be sure to hit up some of our helpful guides on defending against enemy strikes while dishing out some damage of your own.

The post Sloclap Confirms Free Content Updates Coming to Sifu appeared first on Twinfinite.

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