Something for the Weekend – 19/02/22


We’re in the thick of it now, with yesterday’s release of Horizon Forbidden West giving way to games like Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, Elden Ring, GRID Legends and more next week and beyond. As if the massively windy weather of the last couple days wasn’t enough reason to stay indoors!

Let’s round-up all the gaming news and reviews from the past week.

In the News This Week

There was a lot of TV and movie news this week, but that’s alongside the surprise drop of the Cyberpunk 2077 upgrades, and Nintendo fans preemptively mourning the loss of support to the Wii U and 3DS.

Games in Review

We had some huge game releases this week, and that obviously means there were some big reviews to go alongside them! How did Horizon Forbidden West and Total War Warhammer 3 fare?

We also have one solitary headset review:

Featured Articles

With big reviews all over the shop, the space for previews was a little diminished. Still, we had Jim pop by with a hot take: Uncharted’s multiplayer is good and it should have been remastered alongside the Legacy of Thieves collection. Beside that, Gamoc’s playthrough of Dying Light 2 left him rather disappointed, and he opined that one of the biggest changes was that Dying Light 2 simply isn’t as scary anymore. Why is that?

Obviously, with Horizon Forbidden West the biggest game of the week and a huge cross-gen game, people are wondering how it compares across the PS5 and PS4…. so we show you! Check out the performance comparison:

Finally, What We Played featured King of Fighters XV, Horizon Forbidden West and Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

Trailer Park

See the Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 and Xbox Series X|S release trailer

Two Point Campus Archaeology course uncovered in new video

Dune: Spice Wars first gameplay trailer revealed

Your Achievements

And finally for this round-up, we come to… you!

  • Hornet1990 has played a bit more of Metro 2033, but has (foolishly?) grown his backlog by picking up the BioShock Collection. Will he play it before the Netflix adaptation is out?
  • TSBonyman has had Dreams and Uncharted on the go, but what’s that? A new No Man’s Sky update calling to him?
  • Dan has also been on the Uncharted train and has nearly finished replaying Uncharted 4. There’s plenty to play in his backlog as well before he even thinks about gettin Horizon Forbidden West or Elden Ring.
  • And Andrewww finished the story of Days Gone and has continued dealing with the rather imposing zombie hordes. “The game overall was good, and the story was ok,” he said. “I enjoyed my time with it, but it suffered from the same problem many open world games have, it was too long and had too much content for someone who’s got a life besides gaming and still wants to finish a game.”

That’s it for this week’s gaming round-up. Have a fun weekend, try not to get blown over if you’re heading outside, and we’ll catch you again next week.

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