Supporter podcast – The Nate Files episode 7: The Vast And The Curious

They say everything is bigger in Texas. It’s a statement I have only briefly put to the test during a rushed weeked in San Antonio, a trip I mostly remember for 1) seeing a roadside billboard that advertised Jesus on one side and massive tits on the other, and 2) making a joke about having a puffy taco “so I guess I should see a doctor!” [finger guns] that fell bone-chillingly flat to a dinner table of American business colleagues.
You know where everything actually is bigger? The past. Join us on this special supporter-funded bonus podcast episode where Nate is our gentle and enthusiastic guide for really massive historical monsters. A giant owl? Bigfoot is really an orangutan? A huge fish that might in fact just be well big, owing to a mistake with its skeleton? Yes, we have all these delights and more. A big thank you to our supporters for making The Nate Files happen.