Take A Look At The Pokemon Trading Card Game’s Brilliant Stars Expansion

The Pokemon Sword and Shield TCG set is evolving once again with the release of the Brilliant Stars expansion on February 25. Brilliant Stars adds more than 170 new cards to the game, including new V, VSTAR, and VMAX cards. VSTAR Pokemon have a brand-new mechanic in Brilliant Stars that will inject a fresh layer of strategy to your decision making. We had the chance to check out the expansion ahead of its release. Take a look at some of the cards below.
As you can tell, all three Sinnoh region starters are represented in Brilliant Stars. This is rather good timing considering the trio starred in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and are roaming around Hisui in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. The artwork on this new expansion is great. Of course, all of the Sinnoh starters are naturally adorable, but there are plenty of charming cards in the lineup, including Cubchoo, Trapinch, and Castform. None of them can rival the new Shinx card though, as the little kitten is trying with all their might to grab their tail.