Team17 announces Worms NFTs, developer voices opposition

Despite the endless protests made by both developers and the gaming community at large, major gaming companies remain eager to have a sweet piece of that NFT pie. Multiple people have already pointed out the flaws with NFTs and why they do not make for a sustainable long-term marketplace, but it appears that publishers mainly care about their short-term profitability at the moment. Team17, the publisher behind a number of successful indie games, has unfortunately fully jumped into the NFT market. Today, it announced its own collection of NFTs based on its long-running franchise Worms. Notably, this decision has already met resistance from indie studio Aggro Crab Games, which stated that it will not work with Team17 unless the publisher reverses course. According to a press release, these new NFTs, which Team17 refers to as the “MetaWorms NFTs,” will provide “documented ownership indefinitely,” a claim that seems fallacious considering NFTs tend to come in the…