Team17 Working With on Gord

The team at Team17 announced that it will work with to bring the single-player dark fantasy strategy game Gord to PC.
Featuring creatures and deities inspired by Slavic folklore, Gord has players leading the Tribe of the Dawn as they set out to establish new settlements and explore forbidden lands.
Learn more with the following teaser trailer:
Team17 Presents… Gord – “The Prayer” Teaser Trailer
According to CEO Stan Just:
“Gord is our debut game as a studio, and we’re thrilled to have Team17 as our publishing partner. They have an excellent global track record and have repeatedly proven that they care about smaller teams and helping them realise their vision. Gord is an unapologetically dark and sometimes quite confronting game; Team17 has been hugely supportive in helping us bring it to life and home in on what we really feel makes our world special. We look forward to sharing more soon.”Stan Just
Team17 Digital Head of Publishing Harley Homewood added:
“The team at already has an impressive development pedigree and Gord’s relentlessly bleak world and unique combination of city building, survival, strategy, and adventure promises something brand-new for PC players looking for a deeper and more mature experience. Bringing Gord onto our label solidifies our commitment to super high-quality and diverse games and we look forward to working with Stan and his team to welcome players to its brutal dark fantasy world.”Harley Homewood
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