Teamfight Tactics Set 6.5 Neon Nights: Everything We Know So Far


Teamfight Tactics’ (TFT) upcoming mid-set update Neon Nights is all set to shake up the meta again. Riot Games revealed that this update to Gadgets and Gizmos is its “largest roster swap to date.” Neon Nights will feature new champion traits and 80 augments, making it one of the most significant mid-set updates in TFT history.

Riot GamesMore than 20 new units, three champion trait swaps, and a new spell for Vi—and that’s just the beginning! Neon Nights also brings the powerful Debonair and Hextech origins alongside other new traits like Striker, Rivals, and Silco’s exclusive Mastermind mechanic. Oh yeah, Silco’s coming to add more than just his unstable concoction to the mix.”

In December 2021, Riot Games announced that Arcane mega-villain Silco will make his way into TFT as a playable unit. Neon Nights will be the first instance where an original character outside of the League of Legends champion roster will be introduced to the game. Apart from this, Neon Nights will also introduce new champions Renata Glasc and Zeri to TFT.

Champions and traits in Neon Nights

There are a total of 59 champions in TFT Set 6.5: Neon Nights, of which 21 of them are new. The debutants of TFT in this update include Alistar, Corki, Zeri, Renata Glasc, and Silco.

A handful of traits will be retiring in TFT Set 6.5: Neon Nights.

The traits that are getting the axe are:

  • Academy

  • Protectors

  • Imperial

  • Sisters

You can find a list of all the traits, effects, and champions in the cheat sheet released by Riot below.


Trait overview 

Heavyweights of Neon Nights

Undercity lord Silco from Arcane and Zaunite entrepreneur Renata Glasc are the heavy hitters of this mid-set update. While Silco is a Tier 5 unit with Mastermind and Scholar traits, Renata is a Tier 4 champion with the traits of Chemtech and Scholar.



Silco’s ability gives an unstable concoction to his lowest health ally, granting them additional maximum health, attack speed, and immunity from crowd control for a few seconds. When this insanely powerful buff expires, the concoction ends, causing the unstable unit to die and explode, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

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Renata Glasc

Renata’s ability in TFT is quite similar to that of her ultimate in League of Legends. She unleashes a toxic wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies, poisoning those caught in its path for the rest of the combat in that turn. Poisoned enemies have their attack speed reduced and take a small amount of magic damage each second. Damage from repeat casts of the toxic wave also stack.

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New Augments in TFT

Riot GamesWith Neon Nights bringing so many new Units and traits, we’ve had to augment our Augment roster accordingly. And now that we have half a set of Augment expertise under our belt, we’re even better at making fun ones while also keeping them as balanced as possible.”

Some of the augments in Set 6 have retired and are being replaced by many more. TFT Set 6.5 Neon Nights boasts 80 new augments to choose from and also brings changes to those remaining from the older set. Neon Nights will also introduce Edge of Night as a new item to the game. Some of the new augments include Blue Battery, Thieving Rascals, Double Trouble, and Tiny Titans as mentioned in a blogpost by Riot.

TFT Neon Nights was out for testing on the public beta environment on 1st Feb and its release is scheduled to hit the game servers on 16th Feb with Patch 12.4.

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