Tengen VS Rengoku: Who Is A Stronger Hashira?

Both Tengen and Rengoku fight like perfect warriors and give everything they have in a fight. Also, both the Hashiras are exceptionally skilled and have mastered their respective breathing techniques. But if a comparison needs to be made, who would win in a Tengen VS Rengoku fight?
Tengen Uzui, also known as the Sound Hashira comes from the family of ninjas. He was habitual of overzealous training since his childhood. The training he went through as a child was so intense that it killed seven of his nine brothers. But Tengen survived everything which proves that he is one of the strongest characters in the show. Tengen can easily bear agonizing pain and can withstand poison which is another proof of his strength.
- More: Gyutaro VS Akaza: Who Would Win The Demon Fight?
Kyojuro Rengoku always keeps a pleasant smile on his pretty face. But a true warrior resides behind his smile. Rengoku is a user of the Flame Breathing style and he has mastered all of its breathing forms. Due to the morals taught to him by his mother, Rengoku takes it as his duty to protect the weak. Rengoku is super fast and his reflexes are so sharp that he slashes Akaza’s arm within a second when he was about to kill Tanjiro.
Who Is A Stronger Hashira: Flame VS Sound?
Both the Hashiras are vigorously strong, but compared to each other, Rengoku is stronger than Tengen. The main reason why Kyojuro Rengoku has an upper hand over Tengen Uzui is that he uses a stronger and finer breathing style
Not all breathing styles are equal. Some are more powerful than the other breathing techniques and have more forms. Flame Breathing is a direct division of Sun Breathing which is known to be the most powerful breathing technique. And a total of nine forms can be used by the person who completely masters this breathing style.
With this episode of demon slayer Uzui Tengen is officially my second best hashira pic.twitter.com/qdr5pKaCiY
— Storm (@AnimexGojo) January 17, 2022
On the other hand, Sound Breathing used by Tengen Uzui is weaker than Flame Breathing. This breathing technique is derived from the Thunder technique which is further an offspring of Sun breathing, also known as Hinokami Kagura. A sound user can only use a total of five forms, unlike a Flame user who can use 9.
The respective fights of the Hashiras with the demons are also proof that Rengoku will win in the Tengen vs Rengoku fight. He was single-handedly able to fight Akaza, an upper rank 3 demon, and almost win the fight. But Tengen is struggling a lot to defeat Gyutaro and Daki, upper 6 demons. Also, he has to take the help of other Demon Slayers to fight them.
The post Tengen VS Rengoku: Who Is A Stronger Hashira? by Daksh Chaudhary appeared first on DualShockers.