The 15 Best Continuous Trap Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

las 15 mejores cartas de trampa continua en yu gi oh clasificadas

Trap Cards can be some of the most powerful (and annoying) cards in Yu-Gi-Oh.

With such a wide range of effects, from limiting what your opponent can do in a duel, to boosting the strength of your own deck, there’s a long way to go.

But many of these cards can only be used once. So having a card that can be used multiple times can be really valuable.

That’s where continuous cheating comes into play.

And in this list, we will rank some of the most useful continuous cheats in the Trap Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh game.

Trap Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

15. Lose 1 turn 15 lose 1 turn card yugioh

Even though this card doesn’t make your opponent lose a turn, its effect is still pretty good.

You can activate Lose 1 Turn when you control no Special Summoned monsters, and if you do, monsters that are Special Summoned to the field cannot use their effects this turn (and monsters with Special Summoned Effects are changed to Defense Position).

If you play a deck that doesn’t rely on a Special Summon, like Nurse Burn or Monarchs, this card can slow your opponent down enough that you can easily win the duel.

Also, if your opponent goes into a duel without a way to destroy this card, then the game is over Trap Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh.

14. The rivalry of the warlords 14 rivalry of warlords ygo card

The rivalry of Warlords is surprisingly effective against almost any deck that has recent cards.

While Rivalry of Warlords is on the field, your opponent can’t control more than 1 type of monster.

If they control more than one type, they must send everything they have to the graveyard.

For example, if your opponent controls a Spellcasting-Type monster, they can only control Spellcasters.

Contrary to what most people think, this card can be quite effective even against decks that are based on only one type of monster.

Most of the time, you will see generic Link Monsters being used in the Additional Deck that features different types.

13. Summon limit 13 summon limit yugioh card

Summon Limit, as you can probably guess, makes it very difficult to summon most additional deck monsters.

Basically what this card does is limit each player to 2 Summons per turn, including negated Summons.

For example, if my opponent tried to summon a monster and I activated Solemn Strike, that summons would still count towards his limit.

This card is extremely effective as most decent Extra Deck monsters basically require 2 materials to summon.

Decks that rely on Fusion Summoning and Ritual Summoning tend to perform much better than decks that use Xyz, Synchro, and Link.

12. Curse of Darkness 12 curse of darkness ygo card

Curse of Darkness is a really interesting card, as you can use it to prolong your duel or shorten it quickly.

With Curse of Darkness, each time a spell card is activated, the card’s owner must pay 1000 health.

Obviously, if you have few or no spell cards in your deck, Curse of Darkness will work just fine.

But even if you use some spell cards, there are others like Des Wombat that prevent you from taking effect damage.

On the other hand, you can turn this into a healing effect by using Prime Material Dragon, as it converts any damage effects to healing.

11. And the band kept playing 11 and the band played on card

“And the Band Played On” is another really annoying card to deal with, which is another reason to always carry a card like Cosmic Cyclone with you.

When “And the Band Played On” is activated, neither player can summon monsters with the same level or rank as monsters they already control.

So if you control a Level 4 monster, you can’t Special Summon another Level 4.

Since this also applies to ranks, this card can be really powerful.

But unfortunately, this card may fall a bit short since Link Monsters don’t have a level.

Otherwise, as long as you play a deck like Symphonic Warrior, you’ll have no problem getting around this card.

10. Soul Drain 10 soul drain yugioh card

Soul Drain has an effect much like a “hand trap” that can be used to completely shut down your opponent’s combos if played against the right deck.

You can activate Soul Drain by paying 1000 health points.

After doing so, monsters that vanish and in the graveyard can’t activate their effects if they start a chain.

This effect allows you to close many graveyard-dependent decks, including Invoked Shaddoll Dogmatika, Edlich, etc.

For a complete graveyard closure, you can even add this card to a Gravekeeper deck using Necrovalley, which also heavily limits the graveyard.

9. Mistake 09 mistake card yugioh

The bug is another card on this list that severely hampers your opponent’s ability to pull off their combos.

While Mistake is face-up on the field, neither player can add cards from the deck to their hands, apart from the draw phase.

The bug is a tough counter to many meta decks like Virtual World, Fire Fist, and many more, as they all rely on adding cards to their hands to flood the field.

Currently, a really good deck to play this card with is Rokket, since it doesn’t rely on adding monsters to the hand.

Instead, Rokket decks usually send monsters to the graveyard to Special Summon more monsters.

8. There can only be one 08 there can be only one card

“There can only be one” is a very similar card to Rivalry of the Warlords from earlier in this list, but it works a bit differently.

After “There Can Only Be One” activates, each player can only control 1 monster of each type and must send the others to the Graveyard.

A cool trick is to use this card together with Rivalry of the Warlords so your opponent can only control 1 monster, but that also makes it a bit difficult for you to play.

The best decks to use this card with are Ghostrick and Lightsworn, as they contain cards of many different types.

7. Spiritual barrier 07 spirit barrier ygo card

The next card on this list, Spirit Barrier, is an excellent continuous trap that helps you stay alive during a duel.

If you have a monster on the field, Spirit Barrier prevents you from taking battle damage.

In other words, while this card is on the field, all battle damage you take must be from direct attacks.

If you’ve ever wanted to get rid of your monster to trigger its effect when it’s destroyed by battle, and don’t want to take any battle damage, Spirit Barrier is here to help.

This activity, allows you to attack stronger monsters without fear of damaging your Life Points.

6. Skill Drain 06 skill drain card yugioh

Skill Drain is the first limited card on this list.

So if it’s good enough to become capped, chances are it’s good enough to be in your deck.

You can activate Skill Drain after paying 1000 Life Points, allowing you to nullify the effects of all face-up monsters on the field.

If you want to play this in any deck, an ideal time to activate it would be at the start of your opponent’s turn, to prevent them from doing anything.

Otherwise, Skill Drain can work very well in decks like Dark World that trigger most of their effects from the graveyard.

5. Cleaned Raid 05 scrubbed raid card yugioh

As long as Scrubbed Raid is on the field, it’s technically impossible for you to lose the duel from being attacked.

In each battle phase, you can activate Scrubbed Raid, which allows you to send a card you control to the graveyard and end the battle phase.

One tech rule to know when using this card is that it’s a Spell Speed ​​2 card, which means you can chain it after triggering a trap.

For example, you can activate a card like Ice Dragon’s Prison to banish an opponent’s monster, then immediately activate Scrubbed Raid and send Ice Dragon’s Prison to the Graveyard.

Since they have the same spell speed, Ice Dragon’s Prison’s effect isn’t negated, and you basically end the battle phase for free.

4. Imperial Iron Wall 04 imperial iron wall card

Fun fact:

Imperial Iron Wall has the third shortest card text in all of Yu-Gi-Oh, as it is only 5 words long.

While active on the field, Imperial Iron Wall prevents both players from banishing cards.

Imperial Iron Wall is a really nice card to have in your side deck in case your opponent plays cards that banish all of your cards or rely on cards to banish.

For example, every once in a while you’ll run into a Gren Maju player and get kick out, as it’s not a very popular strategy.

However, Imperial Iron Wall basically renders a Gren Maju deck harmless.

But you can also use Imperial Iron Wall against popular traps like Ice Dragon’s Prison.

3. A Traveler’s Ordeal 03 ordeal of a traveller card

Unless you’re playing the luckiest person in the world, Ordeal of a Traveler quickly becomes a nightmare for any gamer.

Each time a monster declares an attack, the monster’s owner must choose a random card from the other player’s hand and guess what type that card is (monster, spell, or trap).

If they guess the type wrong, the monster returns to the hand.

If you have three types of cards in your hand, there is a 66.7% chance that your opponent’s attack will miss.

With this in mind, it’s a good idea to have some traps on hand if you’re using this card.

The only real drawback is that you have to reveal the card your opponent is guessing to check the type.

2. Anti-spell fragrance 02 anti spell fragrance card

Anti-Spell Fragrance is a surprisingly powerful trap that not many people play.

Forces each player to place spells and wait a turn before using them.

This card completely closes out a lot of spell-dependent decks, like most Fusion decks, HERO decks, and Fluffals.

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If you are a Blackwing player and want to land another crushing blow on your opponent, you can activate Delta Crow – Anti Reverse to destroy all of their spells.

However, if you play a lot of spells, this card is a bit unwieldy.

So it might be a good idea to destroy it on your turn using a card like Knightmare Phoenix.

1. Macrocosm 01 macro cosmos yugioh card

Macro Cosmos has the potential to make you invincible in a duel, so this is definitely a card to watch out for.

The main Macro Cosmos effect that most people are looking to use is pretty cool:

Instead, any cards sent to the graveyard banish.

This is really powerful for two reasons.

First, you can use this to your advantage by preventing your opponent from triggering any graveyard-related effects, since all Trap Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh has vanished.

This works particularly well against decks like Dragons and Invoked Shaddoll Dogmatika (some of the strongest decks currently in the meta at the time of writing).

And second, you can use this card to gain an insane amount of health by also activating Soul Absorption.

Trap Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh like Dark Hole can now instantly give you up to 3000 extra health.

The post The 15 Best Continuous Trap Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh appeared first on Game Times24.

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